View Full Version : Has anyone 8-tabled the 6-max tables?

12-16-2004, 08:07 PM
I'm thinking of 8-tabling (5/10 6m) and I'm wondering what people's experiences have been. Obviously, my BB/100 (currently 2.4BB/100 over 100k) hands will suffer, but I think my overall bb/hr ($81.12/hr) should go up if i'm not too overwhelmed...

Any thoughts?


12-16-2004, 08:12 PM
*shrug* if you can do it, then go for it. Id start with 6 and then go to 7 and then 8. If it makes you more money but doesnt burn you out, it would be stupid not to do it.

12-16-2004, 08:13 PM
TazQ and Schneids have done it

12-16-2004, 08:29 PM
Yeah, I'm doin it at 5/10 6max now... I had been playing 8 full games and just started with 6 of 6max about a week ago, then tried 8 on my 2nd session and have been doing it since. With PT and playerview I don't think I'm missing much (except when my comp lags from too many things going on), however I only have ~10k hands so far and nothing to compare it to. I'm not certain I couldn't be making more playing 6 games, but I'm almost certain that I couldn't be doubling my expected win per/100 if I switched to 4 games.

For me the only times it seems to get hectic is when I find myself at a lot of bad tables and have to be switching a bunch. Also if it gets to 4 handed I'll usually wait for a few rounds for another player to come, and if not then switch (unless there's 1-2 really bad people playing)

12-16-2004, 08:39 PM
I am sure that four of those 8 tables are on party. The other four? poker star? UB? I just don't see games at other sites as good.

Mr. Graff
12-16-2004, 08:42 PM
Don't you ever time out when you do that? Some time out frequently and it makes it a drag to play them. Honestly, I hope Party does something about this.

12-16-2004, 08:49 PM
I am sure that four of those 8 tables are on party. The other four? poker star? UB? I just don't see games at other sites as good.

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Actually, none are at Party (but all party skins)...4 at empire, and 4 at either Eurobet or Pokernow

12-16-2004, 08:53 PM
I been playing 7 or 8 6 max tables the last few days. Not that difficult to keep up. In fact I got bored earlier and added 3 SNGs in to the mix.

12-16-2004, 09:04 PM
isn't eurobet sharing the player base with party/empire? how do you make it happen?

12-16-2004, 09:07 PM
isn't eurobet sharing the player base with party/empire? how do you make it happen?

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Yeah, its all the same games, but you can have sererate accounts on each one of them. YOu just can't sit at the same table as one of your other accounts.

12-16-2004, 09:14 PM
Just wondering...

...if u accidently sit at two tables do they stop you? I always make sure I don't but I'm always worried I might by accident.

12-16-2004, 09:22 PM
It does stop you, it basically says you can't sit here because you are already sitting at this table from the same location.

lefty rosen
12-17-2004, 02:40 AM
Have any of you thought that you might be slowly turning into crackheads? Think about how many hands a minute let alone an hour your playing. Now go to your average B+M and play your typical 10/20 game......... /images/graemlins/shocked.gif

12-17-2004, 02:41 AM
I usually assume that anyone who plays poker is a crackhead.

12-17-2004, 03:35 AM
I play 8 six-max tables and have started adding in a 9th table (full 30/60).

My WR is higher playing 8 than 4. I don't know how much higher yet.

12-17-2004, 05:11 AM
My WR is higher playing 8 than 4. I don't know how much higher yet.

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Just to avoid confusion: I think it should be clarified that you are talking winrate in terms of dollars per hour not BB/100 or BB/tbl hr.

12-17-2004, 05:24 AM
My WR is higher playing 8 than 4. I don't know how much higher yet.

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Just to avoid confusion: I think it should be clarified that you are talking winrate in terms of dollars per hour not BB/100 or BB/tbl hr.

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Duh? /images/graemlins/confused.gif

12-17-2004, 05:37 AM
have you tried multitabling 8 full tables as well? since you play less hands in a full table and dont need to pay attention to specific opponent's tendencies as much would it be fair to say that your bb/100 would probably fall less per table?

im thinking of eventually doing either and was wondering if anyone could give a comparison of the profitability of the two (8 tabling 6max and full)

of course as of now im having trouble playing 3 tables so this is a long way off... /images/graemlins/smile.gif

just want something to aspire towards... hehhe...

12-17-2004, 05:52 AM
I might be in the minority here but I actually feel like it's EASIER to keep track of opponents when 8-tabling 6-max.

For me, the easiest way to gauge opponents is by actively playing in hands against them... In 6-max the encounters are much more frequent, so, that means their play gets etched into my mind quicker. Plus with fewer people per table that helps speed up the learning process since I'm seeing each person play so many more hands in a shorter period of time.

12-17-2004, 07:33 AM
Do you take notes Schneids? IE things above and behond idiot, moron, douche, etc.

I know that most specific notes are kind of pointless but my feeble mind finds it easier to then remember generalisations if I write specifics down. For example I might note, open raised JTo UTG played agr on Kxx flop. Ofcourse later on i'll see this and just think loose-agr preflop, follows through on broadway-rags flop.

Are you ever thinking at this specific a level or do you more generally categorise players on table texture or stats?

12-17-2004, 08:14 AM
Are u winning more at each table playing 8 tables instead of 4? Its a meaningsless statement because there is no reason it should be so but there are good reasons why it shouldnt be so.

12-17-2004, 11:47 AM
Thanks for the replies! As soon as I get my second 2001FP I plan to jump right into 8-tabling and give a report on how it turns out...



Turning Stone Pro
12-17-2004, 11:54 AM
I don't believe you.


12-17-2004, 01:26 PM
First, why would he lie? Second, why would you care enough to say that you don't believe him?

B Dids
12-17-2004, 01:41 PM
TSP likes attention, and insulting Tommy Angelo wasn't getting him enough.

Jeff W
12-17-2004, 02:29 PM
Cautionary Tale: A friend of mine 8-tabled the 5/10 6-max after he had 12-tabled 3/6 and 5/10 full. He was a solid winner over two hundred thousand hands. After ~three months he was so burned out that he never played poker again..

I know there are those out there who have made 8-tabling 6-max work out. I only recommend it if it substantially increases your winrate. Stagnation and burnout loom.

12-17-2004, 08:55 PM
How can i be my own affiliate? If i put my money in through neteller will party recognise me and freeze my acct.? Just wondering what kind of precautions i should have to adding party skins accounts and trying to get some rakeback.

12-17-2004, 09:54 PM
I know there are those out there who have made 8-tabling 6-max work out. I only recommend it if it substantially increases your winrate. Stagnation and burnout loom.

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This is a big concern of mine, but I feel like its easier for me now to play 20-25 hrs/wk 8tabling than it was to play 30/wk when I was 4tabling. I think this would help to prevent the risk of burnout, but its hard to say.

Plus I feel like my sessions require much more thought now and are more exciting since there's almost no down time.

12-17-2004, 10:27 PM
I agree totally, its like running a marathon every week.

I stick with 2 because my game improves faster, because I can think about situatons for longer and improve my reads.

If I wanna make more money I'll improve my game and move up not work harder by playing more tables.

I think playing a lot of tables will hurt you when you move up because you become a weak ABC player.

12-17-2004, 10:34 PM
For me I feel like I'm just as likely to burn out from 4-tables as 8. I'm nearing two months now since I started 8-tabling and I've been able to play just as many hours as when I only did four...that might be because I rarely played longer than 2 hour sessions when four-tabling.

So for me, it really makes sense to play 8.

12-17-2004, 11:56 PM
Do you take notes Schneids? IE things above and behond idiot, moron, douche, etc.

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No. My notes system sucks and I rarely update players' stats from PT. I don't even note things like "idiot," "decent," and the like. My only notes are PT generated ones, plus the notes in my head.

I know that most specific notes are kind of pointless but my feeble mind finds it easier to then remember generalisations if I write specifics down. For example I might note, open raised JTo UTG played agr on Kxx flop. Ofcourse later on i'll see this and just think loose-agr preflop, follows through on broadway-rags flop.

Are you ever thinking at this specific a level or do you more generally categorise players on table texture or stats?

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I generally categorize players on table texture, recent encounters, how they're running, and then use stats when needed and usually only for tough PF decisions (ie a raise and 3-bet to me and I have 99 or TT... In which case I wanna know the looseness of the 3-better and raiser). I very rarely right click on them during hands to check the stats when I'm playing 6-max.

Additionally, not to toot my own horn, but I have a rather awesome memory at remembering players' postflop tendencies, even going decent lengths of time w/o seeing them. Once I see a name of a player, it will generally stick in my head if I get to play with them for half an hour or more.

12-18-2004, 12:53 AM
I don't believe you.


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I was gonna respond to this with a "zzzzzz" but then decided there's no point to.

I was gonna just ignore it but decided that's no fun either.

So instead I'll just link you to a pic of my desktop I took within the first week of when I started 8-tabling.

You're welcome to call it fake if you'd like, or you're welcome to say it's not me playing. Whatev.

Basically TSP, you've attacked me a few times now on these forums for no reason and it's kinda funny. Kinda lame too.

My Desktop (http://www.mtmtechnologies.net/mydesktop.JPG)