View Full Version : D.S. World Series Hand

06-28-2002, 06:34 AM
I just wanted to share my all time favorite

paragraph from author Jesse May for those who

didn't catch it....It

happens to come at the expense of Sklansky.

"When Scott Gray filled the three seat in one of the six remaining tables yesterday, poker theorist David Sklansky was sitting in the one seat with more chips than Scott. He limped in a hand, so Scott raised it on up and Sklansky passed. That was the last hand David Sklansky played in three hours. During the next three hours he was an empty chair. He anted himself down from seventy thousand in chips to less than ten. He made the money. And when they pay him his twenty thousand they’ll say, “Sir, thank you very much for attending. Please come back next year.” But in the words of Yeller from The Cincinnati Kid, “Man, you better write yourself a new book.” Because the gold bracelet ain’t being awarded by a voice vote, nor to the guy who can do the fanciest fractions. The winner of the World Series is the guy with balls as big as Montana, and a heart to match. "

06-28-2002, 12:30 PM
Where was this written?

06-30-2002, 04:31 PM
www.thegoodgamblingguide.com (http://www.thegoodgamblingguide.com)

or something close to that.