View Full Version : Should I be mad about this?

12-08-2004, 11:19 AM
Hey all.

My buds and I were playing NL Holdem with a 20 dollar buy in.

About 15 minutes in, I am about 18 dollars up after making a couple of gutsy plays (I was tilting a little from an earlier loss in a tournament, admittedly).

2 hands after I go up 18 dollars, two players are all in (9s vs. Jacks) against each other. Flop is 5 10 3, and the turn is...a Joker. River? Another joker.

The player who I essentially doubled up on is also the player with 9s in this hand, and he throws a small fit, basically saying that these Jokers in the deck screwed up the dealing in every hand before, and that we should reset everyone back to 20 dollars in chips. Much to my amazement, the other 3 players at the table (myself being the 5th person) agreed.

After debating this for a few minutes, I very begrudgingly agreed to go back to 20 without making a cent, not because it was the right thing, but because I was outnumbered 4:1.

Here is my argument why I should have kept the 18 bucks:

1. A card is a card. Assuming the deck is shuffled correctly, each card coming up is a random event, so it really doesn't matter if a couple of Jokers in the deck, a random card is still coming up.

2. The jokers affected each player the EXACT same amount. This is the same as, say, two basketball teams playing each other when there is a tilted rim. One team uses that goal in the first half, the other in the 2nd half - it equally effects both, so if the two teams agree to start playing before noticing, after the game, that the rim was tilted...whatever happens before the discovery should count. After the discovery, you fix the problem and move on.

3. The fact that this wasn't my deck of cards we were playing with - - again, no one knew there were jokers in play, so we all dealt (no pun intended) with the unknown for the first 15 minutes without an issue.

What do you guys think?

12-08-2004, 11:34 AM
You are absolutely right. The cards that were dealt are still random (well, just as random as they would have been without the jokers anyway) so there is no reason to set everybody back to $20.

12-08-2004, 11:45 AM
Yes, you should be mad. You're correct in suggesting that if nobody got a joker in their hand and no jokers appeared on the board, the game has been perfectly normal hold'em in terms of the probabilities.

It's also pretty freakish that you took, what, about ten hands for someone in a 5-handed game to notice there were jokers in the deck? That's somewhere near a 1 in 300 shot by my back-of-the-envelope calculations. Are you sure somebody didn't get dealt a joker earlier and stayed quiet about it?

12-08-2004, 12:00 PM
Good point. I should mention that we were using 2 decks, one without jokers and one with. And it's possible there had only been about 8 hands. But I agree, that is kind of weird.