View Full Version : where is honest casino

08-26-2001, 06:52 PM
Hello all,

As I can see there are some serious blackjack players on this site. So anyone can offer a casino (in north america) where a counter can make money? I use Hi-optI and little bit familiar with Hi-opt II.

08-27-2001, 02:29 PM
There are many "honest" casinos. In my opinion 99% of casinos do not cheat. If you know what to look for you can reduce that chance even further. In terms of games that are beatable with counting, you want good rules (stand on soft 17, late surrender, and DAS). Penetration is also very, very important. In multi deck games you should be able to find games where at least 75-80% of the cards are dealt. This type of game is beatable with counting, if you really know your stuff, and make few mistakes. For complete listing of casinos with good BJ games I suggest you try to get a current copy of blackjack forum, or you may find some information at Stanford Wongs site www.bj21.com. Good luck. I know it can feel like they cheat when everything goes wrong, but it's almost always just bad luck.

08-27-2001, 10:22 PM
Thanks a lot for the advice Phillip...will visit www.bj21.com. I'm pretty sure that there are some casinos out there that our honest. About cheating tho...I played in Vegas and I SAW cheating in around 70% of the casinos. Especially, in hand held games. Cheating included the following:

1 Peeking and dealing seconds..i saw the dealer bend the deck and peek at the hole card (which was a face card)

2 Cards coming from the sleve...standard magicians trick

3 Using the mirror as a shiner (the dealer looked at the hole card before dealing himself the second card)

In some casinos I didn't see the above but probabilities didn't add up. e.g. dealers didn't bust on 16 25% of the time, players didn't bust on 12 one third of the time, and the dealers had aces or faces more than 38% of the time. In one occasion I busted on 12 11 time in a row. The probability of that happening is one in 3 raised to the 11 = 1:177,000. I think you should be careful sometimes. Thanks for the advice once again tho.