View Full Version : Let's have one of those hot girl sandwich polls where . . .

11-30-2004, 02:02 PM
Which sandwich would you choose to be the meat in the middle of...Asian or Caucasian? Sandwich or Eggroll?

Jessica Biehl (http://www.bladetrinity.com/character_abigail.gif) & Jessica Alba (http://www.empiremovies.com/images/posters/honey.jpg)


Kelly Hu (http://www.mellesleg.hu/cikkek/images/2301-2400/2354/kelly_hu.jpg) & Zhang Ziyi (http://www.rentyman.com/zhangziyi/zhang_ziyi_FHM.jpg)

11-30-2004, 03:39 PM
Can't make up my mind. I'd rather have Jessie Biehl and Kelly Hu. Zhang has no body at all, and I've always thought Alba was incredibly over-rated. So it's really a Kelly Hu vs. Jessica Biehl contest, for me. I'm not sure Biehl isn't prettier, but I've always had a thing for Kelly Hu. I dunno.

Your Alba link is broken, btw.