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View Full Version : Simple tournament hand

11-28-2004, 01:30 AM
PokerStars $100+9 multitable tournament, no well-known faces at the table. One player busted on the previous hand, where I got to show KK (vs another KK and JJ!), the first hand I had showed at this table (been sat perhaps one orbit). Seem standard tournament tight, perhaps even a bit tighter than usual.

75/150 blinds, 8-handed as the one player had just busted. First two fold, then it's to me with 77 and 1530 in my stack. If I play this (even if I just raise it 450 to go like normal), I play for my entire stack.

Can anyone help me with some easy calculations here? I am potentially risking my stack of 1530 and picking up 225 every time I win the blinds.

I guess AK/AQ is usually playing this against me, as well as AA-TT (of course a lot of players will play 99 and even 88 here, but I think that evens out EV wise with the times I will get stack-action from fools with 66-22).

How does that math work out?
