View Full Version : Media violence and youth

11-24-2004, 03:43 AM
I was practically raised on violent saturday morning cartoons.

My brothers and I constantly improvised toy weapons for playing at swords, cowboys and indians, cops and robbers. One of our favorites was playing at being violent biker gangs. We'd ride our bikes around pretending we were terrorizing the town and killing anyone who got in our way.

Then video games came around and I pretty much spent all of 5th grade parked in front of a violent space game or tank battle or some other thing.

Games are better now. I love Vice City. What a game.

My favorite movies are violent gangster films with lots of revenge and betrayal. And undercover cop movies that are grim and violent. Godfather, Goodfellas, State of Grace, Deep Cover, Menace II Society.

Also, I thought Freeway, and the first Terminator were hilarious.

Violent rap lyrics are funny to me. I really enjoy Eminem who I consider to be following in the proud tradition of NWA and other violent rap-mongers who put people's panties in a bunch intentionally.

I've been in three fights in my life. 2 in elementary school, one in high school and I've never, ever, ever used a weapon on anyone even in self- defense.

I recently encountered someone who tried to convince me I should not let my son play with toy guns. This person should not be allowed to have kids.

I'll say this one time for anyone who might be confused:
Play violence is not real. Kids understand the concept of "pretend" better than you think. Playing with toy guns does not in any way mean you will grow up to use real guns on people. Don't be a moron.


11-24-2004, 04:22 AM
Freeway rocks.