View Full Version : Math Help, No-Limit Hold'em

11-02-2001, 03:05 AM
The other night I had pocket eights and went all-in with my small stack. Unfortunately a guy with pocket aces was sitting behind me, and another guy behind him had pocket kings.

My question: The guy with pocket aces was something like a 4 1/2 to 1 favorite against only me, but with another pocket pair against him, how much of a favorite does the pocket aces go down by against the both of us?

[P.S. I flopped trips, but the aces won the bigger side pot. Before the flop the guy on my right jokingly said, "Watch an eight flop." And after it did flop, the guy who had the aces went a little nuts, as though the guy who spoke up had brought him bad luck for saying it out loud.]

11-02-2001, 06:28 AM
According to my computer program which calculates all possible boards and counts up who wins...

In a 3 way, all-in matchup between AA, KK and 88, all suited the same way, the results are

AA wins 67%

KK wins 17%

88 wins 14%

and the remainder are splits of various kinds.

An interesting anomaly is that (if my program is not wrong) it's not possible for KK and 88 to share the pot with AA getting nothing.


11-02-2001, 08:58 AM
The only way for pocket pairs to have a split pot is for the board to play for both of them.

11-02-2001, 10:21 AM
The question you wrote was how much do the aces go down in value with the added kings. The answer I found was interesting.

A,A against 8,8 same suits works out like this:

AA wins 81.18% of the time

88 wins 18.82% " " "

When you add K,K of the same suit:

AA wins 65.76% of the time

KK wins 17.93% " " "

88 wins 16.31% " " "

The loss in value of the aces seems to pretty much have gone to the Kings. Although the 8,8 still wins about the same percentage.

I hope this is what you were asking.

Keep playing hard!

11-02-2001, 12:21 PM
any board that produces a straight for the KK will also produce one for the AA....therefore if you change from KK to QQ you have slight adverse effect opon AA

using same reasoning you will see that changing KK to a pair closer to 88 will help 88

11-02-2001, 03:04 PM

a board of Q J 10 9 2 makes a str8 for the KK but not for the AA