View Full Version : Need Hold'em Tournament Advice

10-04-2001, 11:22 AM
I'm fairly new at hold'em tournament play and need advise on general strategy for low-mid level limit tournaments.

I've entered several tournaments and have always finished several places out of the money(from 1-7). I'm playing very tight, and very aggressive. It seems like that does well in the beginning, which gets me within a table of the money, usually with a medium stack, but later on I feel like I may be playing too tight. Should I loosen up pre-flop? Play cat4&5 hands? Middle suited connectors? Axs?

I'm sure the correct strategy depends on your opponents, but I'm looking for some generalities to start with, then I can make adjustments based on the players at my table.

I also think tournaments may be based a bit more on luck than ring games. I think even if I played every hand perfectly, I may still not finish in the money if I don't get playable cards at the right time. Is this true, or am I just giving myself an excuse for loosing?

Any advise is appreciated, thanks.

10-04-2001, 11:04 PM
Well, the key is not just playing cards, but playing situations.

In limit HE, especially at the lower levels, you can turn a profit simply by playing cards and position. By the book, so to speak.

In tourneys, you also need to be able to figure out when players are more bluffable (because they're in survival mode), and when they're not (maniac, they've given up, the big blind alone makes them potstuck, etc.). You need to use this information to vary your "regular" game, and make a raise when you would've folded, or fold when you would've raised, and the like.

Also, I really don't think there's that much more luck. The difference is a ring game player who wins 1 big bet an hour will book 2 or more winning sessions for every losing session. A tourney player who wins an average of double his buy-in still loses the large majority of tourneys he plays, at least 3 times out of the money for each time in, probably more.

Later, Greg Raymer (FossilMan)