View Full Version : Where could I find these "special" Hold'em odds?

11-16-2004, 09:09 AM

I was looking at a few books the other day, and one had an interesting chart. It gave the odds that someone held an equal or better starting hand. For example, if you had QQ, it gave the odds at an 8-handed table that someone else had AA, KK, or AK. Where could I find this information, and what book was I looking at (I forgot)?

Note: I wouldn't waste your time asking obvious questions like "What are the odds I will make a flush by the river if I flop a four-flush?" However, I can't seem to find any charts like the one described above. Thanks for your response.

11-16-2004, 09:52 AM
Personally, if I ever want odds like this I just compute them or run a monte carlo if computing them (or a "close enough" value) is too difficult. I don't know what books would have them, but I prefer to do the calculations myself.

rdu $teve
11-16-2004, 11:50 AM
Mike Caro wrote the appendix sections in Super System. They have loads of these %ages.