View Full Version : Anyone for............ poker?

11-15-2004, 01:23 PM
I have a nice little job right now.

Should I turn pro? (http://www.tsn.ca/tennis/news_story.asp?id=104760)


11-15-2004, 01:39 PM
good find!

on a not so positive note, i was watching ABC world new tonight sunday yesterday. this is the national news, not a magine show. they ended the broadcast with a 5 minute report on the explosion and problems of teenagers and poker. fortunately it was the sunday edition so it had less viewers, but still, this was the first time i had seen this reported on a network evening news show.

this is not the story from last night, but it is the same general idea


11-15-2004, 02:01 PM
I've been in various levels of state and federal government for many years and have seen how many stories of this type get developed and fed to the media. While it is certainly possible that the media is pulling on the thread merely as an outcome of the recent rash of stories about the growth in the popularity of poker, it is also very possible that one of our governmental bodies is preparing and feeding such stories to the newsies as part of their anti-gambling strategy. This is just one of the many ways of putting pressure on state legislatures and Congress to pass the legislation that fits their agenda.

11-15-2004, 02:15 PM
I dont understand why they are focusing on 18 to 21 year olds. I would think the real problem is from underage kids playing online.

Once your 18 you can screw yourself up by getting pregnant. The OC and the RealWorld have high ratings and they are always showing the magic "happening". Where is the story. How about kids smoking even though its legal.

I think poker benefits alot of people. Its changed the way I analyze situations and how a judge people in everyday situations. Now tell me how smoking or doin the nasty have long term posative effects. (Other than learning about anatomy) Some people cant handle poker. Some people cant handle sex, alcohol, or even driving. Inform us of the dangers but dont demonize poker.

My little brother will be getting a deck of cards and a honda. Which is more dangerous.

11-15-2004, 02:22 PM
My little brother will be getting a deck of cards and a honda. Which is more dangerous.

one of the fathers, the father of the kid that hosts the game, was asked if he felt like he was contributing to their deliquency.

the father's answer went something like this:

"i talked about it with my son. he said 'listen dad, we don't drink, we don't smoke, we don't do drugs. would you rather have us out there driving and drinking and getting into all sorts of other trouble, or would you rather know that we are here in the basement playing $20 buy-in tourneys'?"

dad told the reporter that he trusted his son and that he would rather have them in his basement. the son had also said to the father that nobody at the game wanted to give up colleges or careers for poker so it was harmless fun.

this seems to bear out what you are stating. compulsive people are going to get into trouble whether it is via poker or heroin. the point was that poker was not to blame, bad parenting and values were.

11-15-2004, 02:31 PM
My little brother will be getting a deck of cards and a honda. Which is more dangerous.

[/ QUOTE ]

To those that currently are in charge, it appears to be far better to allow danger to our physical health than to permit anything that might, even remotely, affect someone's morals or *correct* spiritual beliefs. As another example, tobacco will destroy far more families and has a more profound effect on our society in any given year than poker ever will. (This is not a rant against tobacco, per se--just a fact, IMO.)

11-15-2004, 02:37 PM
Kellon, very interesting posts.