View Full Version : Sleeping with Neteller - Store Open

11-15-2004, 05:05 AM
According to Lawrence Nugga [nooch] (pronunciation?) (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Number=1143393&page=0&view=c ollapsed&sb=5&o=14&vc=1), intercourse with an unknown peer is more dangerous than intercourse with a lady of the night. (You mean coitus?)

I offer Neteller as the disproof. This streetwalking harlot couldn't even manage to procure a correctly spelled domain name. I've left many a fee on this whore's bedside table before - wasted a pretty penny, I don't mind telling you. But not nearly as much as she has has stolen from my wallet when I wasn't looking.


11-15-2004, 10:20 AM
i'll need a working definition of this term before i can comment on your post

sexual hoo haas

[/ QUOTE ]

11-15-2004, 12:00 PM
wasted a pretty penny, I don't mind telling you.

If the Penis Mightier works, I'll order a dozen!