View Full Version : about shorthanded tables

05-03-2002, 11:18 AM
i love shorthanded...mainly because when it happens where i play, many dont know how to play it, or are scared of it...they tend to play it like a ring game...or walk from the table til more players come.

my question is when to play a shorthanded style...6 handed or less? at what point do you open the aggression up? i think this also stems from the fact that i used to play 5 handed max online, so i wasnt sure where 6 handed fit in.

usually if its 5 handed or less, ill play as S&M suggest and have a great time of it...

but should i also use that in 6 handed? i tried it tonight when it went 6 handed...i decided not to wait for 5 handed...and it worked pretty well...

usually 6 handed i play more cautiously/less aggressive than 5. i know it seems to be like splitting hairs since were only talking 1 extra player...but a post by jim brier earlier, really got me thinking about when to implore that style, and it seemed unanimous that 6 handed should be played in aggressive shorthanded style.

any thoughts welcome...


05-03-2002, 12:44 PM
I think in this case you can really open up the aggression in middle or late position more often, although in early position you may want to continue the caution. Also, 6 players can feel shorthanded if the table is tight enough, but can also feel like a ring game if everyone's staying in every hand. Think about those two concepts and you should be able to have a pretty good grasp on if it is appropriate to play a short-handed style.
