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View Full Version : Cracking 5/10 full (days 2-3)

11-10-2004, 05:37 PM
Day 2

It snowed today for the first time here at St. Lawrence U up here in upstate New York. The first snow of the year is always a little surreal when you first walk out into it. The blanket of white when all you’re used to is green. But then I start freezing my ass off and I remember why I hate snow.

Tonight’s play list addition: Dire Straits “The Sultans of Swing” in honor of our wonderful friend variance that causes all of those wonderful swings.

So I got a solid 3.7 (out of 10) on my chem quiz today furthering my previous thought that English majors should not be made to take lab sciences. I tried to take this class pass/fail but I missed the deadline by like a week. For those of you who don’t know what pass/fail means, basically the class doesn’t count towards my GPA as long as I achieve a 1.0 or better.

Had I made the deadline, I would have signed my name on my tests “pass/fail,” under every question I didn’t know I would have written “pass/fail.” In fact I would have had a T-shirt made that said “PASS/FAIL” across the chest and every time she tells me to come to her office for help I’d just point to my t-shirt. And most importantly, anytime I didn’t feel like going to class, I’d just have that girl down the hall bring my t-shirt to class and drape it across my chair. I bet the teacher would have just loved me.

Anyway, to poker. I managed to get a couple of hours of hands in. The 5/10 tables still are looking pretty beatable. They don’t seem to be the rock gardens that everyone makes them out to be. Although I do only play during peak EST hours.

I’ve been thinking about experiment with the limp re-raise with AA and KK in early position. Does anybody else have good success with this at 5/10?

Well, at the end of the night I was up $243 or around 24 big bets.

My two day total is now at a solid $46.50.

Day 3

Tonight’s addiction to the play-list: Bush - “Mouth”

Today I decided to six-table at 5/10 for the first time. I had 6-tabled 3/6 for about 10K hands ever since I got my new 21 inch monitor that is capable of 1940/1400 resolution and allows me to play 6 on one table with a small amount of overlap. I got this thing for only $150 on ebay. I’m still waiting for my video card that supports duel monitors to come in at my local computer store.

The 6-table experiment was a success. I managed not to make any multi-tabling mistakes but my read ability suffered a bit as I have a small number of 5/10 players in my database. Ill have to leave PT up observing during the day more.

One thing I have noticed that makes 5/10 profits suffer is the high amount of rake you have to pay. It seems to be a significant amount more than at 3/6.

Had a 20BB gain for the night.

My three day total is now $242

Day 1

http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=1230531&page=0&view=colla psed&sb=5&o=14&fpart=1

11-10-2004, 06:14 PM
Any decent poker games on campus there? I'm from upstate NY. Big poker tournament in my hometown this weekend. If you're interested PM me and I'll give you some details I have on it.

11-10-2004, 06:18 PM
One thing I have noticed that makes 5/10 profits suffer is the high amount of rake you have to pay. It seems to be a significant amount more than at 3/6.

[/ QUOTE ]

Isn't the rake more favorable at 5/10?
You are more frequently seeing pots hit the max-rake ($3) with plenty more bets thrown in on top of that.

11-10-2004, 06:25 PM
Snowed here, too. Cornell gets *COLD* during the winter =(

11-10-2004, 07:24 PM

It snowed today for the first time here at St. Lawrence U up here in upstate New York.

[/ QUOTE ]
Moving somewhere warmer is definitely +EV. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

Phil Van Sexton
11-10-2004, 08:30 PM
Great post. Only comment...can people use short URLs so the posts dont get super wide in the browser.

You only need the 1st part of the url....

or you can use the Instant UBB Code URL feature (like the Quote feature)...

Day 1 (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=1230531)

</end whining>