View Full Version : Omaha-hi-lo help needed !!

08-15-2002, 12:01 PM
I'm pretty new to omaha and usualy play holdem in the mid-limits. Live and online. I almost never raise before the flop at omaha-hi-lo . Exept in very late position when first in or to build a big pot with a realy top-hand like AA23 if at least 1 A is suited. Is this too tight ?? I also have trouble with my blinds. What hands do you call a raise with ?? I almost always throw my hand away if it isn't a real good one.


08-15-2002, 01:29 PM
Raising preflop in Omaha/8 adds only a little to your expected value but greatly increases your swings. I too rarely raise preflop.

As for the blinds it is not really a bargain to get a discounted price to play a piece of cheese. If your hand is weak throw it away. You will be out of position even if you get a miracle flop so you will earn less than if you limped with a weak hand on the button.

It is almost impossible to play too tight. You would probably have a positive expectation if you only played A2 with a suited Ace. You may die of boredom waiting for a starting hand but in your typical loose game you would would probably earn enough to cover many rounds of blinds with this stategy.

08-15-2002, 03:19 PM
I also have trouble with my blinds. What hands do you call a raise with ?? I almost always throw my hand away if it isn't a real good one.

Wait, I thought you said you had trouble with your blinds.

"Almost always throw your hand away if it isn't a real good one" is spot-on perfect for low-mid limit O/8.

08-15-2002, 05:34 PM
If you are a tight/aggressive player, then the advice by chaos and alias are right on.

On the other hand, relative to your blind play, there are some other factors I take into account before I fold to a raise. The most important to me (after throwing away garbage) is how many players are in the pot. If you are in a typical low level O/8 loose passive game, then consider calling 5+ players with some less than premium hands - especially if you are confident there will not be a re-raise. If the flop does not match, then throw it away.

With high cards, especially paired K's (hopefully suited) I will sometimes re-raise. This sets up two positive ev situations.

1 - limiting the field so my pair can take high

2 - Scooping huge pots when the flop comes high cards.

Just another viewpoint.

08-15-2002, 08:03 PM
Since you are new to O/8 playing extreamly tight isn't a bad straegy.As you become hopefully a very good ,or great player you will find ONE of the secrets to winning big is your ability to manipulate the size of the pot pre flop.I believe this is what iblucky4u2 is getting at.o/8 is a fun game[I played it 5days a week for 8 years]and can be profitable.Like Hold Em ABC tight players are a dime a dozen most of them play between the 40yard lines they win or lose a little.If this is your goal{to win,or lose a little},and to have fun play tight; O/8 is fun.TO win big[1-2 BB] you must take your game one or two levals above the tight ABC game.