View Full Version : Question for all the Happy Republicans and Angry Democrats

11-03-2004, 07:50 PM
Do you guys really in your hearts believe that your party is good and fair and the other party is wrong and hateful?

It strikes me that most republicans on here seem to thinkt hat the world is great and Iraq is going well and that the Democrats are to blame for all the problems and vindictiveness.
While the Democrats think Bush is Satan and they are the party of fairness and equal opportunity while the Republicans are evil and out to destory anyone that doesn't believe in them.

I wonder what came first...this general hate fest existed always..or the advent of Talk radio and Fox News,Hardball etc which needs to two extreme sides to work?

I look forward to 2008...and I'm a moderate Democrat, because I'm praying that the man I prefer as president will run and be elected. And he's not a Democrat

John McCain for President 2008!
Enough with this childish back and forth name calling.

11-03-2004, 08:35 PM
NOT !!!!.....Puh-Lease.

Now why would Republicans think the Democrats were being hatefull.....Hmmmmmmm............
*Forged national guard documents. http://www.liddyshow.us/kerry62.php
*Four years of accusations that George Bush was AWOL for national guard duty. By the way, Col Kilian's son gave several interviews that his father spoke very highly of of Bush43.
*Falsely accusing Bush of a secret plan of bringing back the draft when the draft bills in congress were sponsored by DEMOCRATS (Fritz "Foghorn Leghorn" Hollings and Charlie Rangle(sp?))
*Bush "lied" about WMD. Guess those dead Kurd pictures were planted by Karl Rove. The question is not whether Iraq had WMD, the question is what happen to them.
*Michael Moore's "documentary" F*** 911, which fired up the "black helicopter" wing of the Democrat party. By the way, it is an entertaining but dishonest movie. If you want to see it in a theater, I suggest buying a ticket to a Tom Cruise movie and then sneak into "F*** 911" so that Michael Moore does not get the money.

and more....It is simply not worth the time to address four years of Bush hatred....

Time to leave the land of make believe and look into the mirror.....

11-03-2004, 09:08 PM
Do you guys really in your hearts believe that your party is good and fair and the other party is wrong and hateful?

It strikes me that most republicans on here seem to thinkt hat the world is great and Iraq is going well and that the Democrats are to blame for all the problems and vindictiveness.
While the Democrats think Bush is Satan and they are the party of fairness and equal opportunity while the Republicans are evil and out to destory anyone that doesn't believe in them.

I wonder what came first...this general hate fest existed always..or the advent of Talk radio and Fox News,Hardball etc which needs to two extreme sides to work?

I look forward to 2008...and I'm a moderate Democrat, because I'm praying that the man I prefer as president will run and be elected. And he's not a Democrat

John McCain for President 2008!
Enough with this childish back and forth name calling.

[/ QUOTE ]

I truly believe that if John McCain was elected president in 2000 (first of all there wouldn't have been a Florida predicament), and people wouldn't have been up until 3am last night wondering if this election was going to drag on for another 11 days.

Part of the reason the Dems view the Reps as evil, and vice versa, is that the country is so decidedly split right now. The far left and far right are the ones who vote in primaries and decide who the general electorate will see. The candidates are ultra-liberal v ultra-conservative... bringing out the penultimate hatefest. Unfortunately, this method of selecting candidates does not allow moderates like Lieberman, McCain, or Powell to ever get their party's nomination. Thus, we are currently stuck without the chance to vote for our "favorite" candidate.

Dr Wogga
11-03-2004, 09:13 PM
.......number 1, Rudy Giuliani will make a much better choice than McCain.
number 2, what's wrong with name calling? Do you really think it will stop? Or that idiots like Michael Moore, Al Sharpton, Ted Kennedy or big-spender Soros will ever stop THEIR name calling? Won't happen. Can't happen. Better that it doesn't says I.

11-03-2004, 09:21 PM
Yes, and the Republicans have never engaged in their share of dirty tricks. They are as clean and pure as the driven snow, right?

11-03-2004, 09:24 PM
sad. you make a good post and some partisan fool comes and ruins the thread.

i too wish the system allowed moderates to run and be successful. mccain and lieberman would have been high on my list.

Chris Alger
11-03-2004, 09:25 PM
Not that many people in either party are very enthusiastic about their respective candidates and those that are usually have succumbed to some propaganda fantasy. True, they tend to hate the other guy, but for reasons that their guy would consider small potatoes. Bush, for example, doesn't really believe that gays "threaten" marriage and Kerry had no intention of ending either war.

The black-white perceptions of reality you're describing exists only on TV, where political "discussion" is usually just an echo chamber for attack ads.

Chris Alger
11-03-2004, 09:34 PM
"Guess those dead Kurd pictures were planted by Karl Rove. The question is not whether Iraq had WMD, the question is what happen to them."

[/ QUOTE ]
There's a kind of sick humor to this because the only people that denied that Saddam was responsible for the Kurds murdered with poison gas in Halbja (16 years ago) were GOP operatives like Lee Atwater. At the time, the U.S. supported Saddam, so Iran had to be scapegoated.

As to "what happened" to the WMD, there was never any mystery. Well prior to the war, high-ranking Iraqi defectors told the U.S. and UN that most were destroyed in the early 1990's and UNMOVIC succeeded in destroying the rest before 1988. If you don't believe me, ask the CIA.

11-03-2004, 09:49 PM
Hey Alger, stop trying to engage in history lessons that no one remembers or cares about. This forum is only meant for the truths presented recently by the media and spun by the pols. Get in the now man.

11-03-2004, 11:15 PM
I'm a democrat. My opinion on this election, and the opinion of alot of other democrats I know is not that Kerry is Jesus and Bush is the devil, but rather that Kerry is a douche-bag and Bush is a complete [censored].

11-03-2004, 11:34 PM
We have always been at war with eurasia.
Can we begin the two minutes hate now.

11-04-2004, 03:46 AM
Besides, you are obstructing the prose of Felix. He needs the fancy and the surreal to engage in flights of.