View Full Version : Defensive Bet vs. Check- Calling on the River

11-02-2004, 07:24 PM
I feel that there are certain situations that a defensive bet dominates a check- call and vice versa. This is applicable to NL games.

Here's an example...

You are heads up in a pot in early position. You have bet 2/3 the pot on the flop and the turn with top pair or even two pair. If a river scare card hits whether it be a flush card or lets say the turn and river give a 1 card straight, I feel it is good to lead with a small bet, maybe 1/4 the pot. A lot of times this will confuse your opponent and they are most likely to call you and not make a play over the top. If you check, they are more apt to bluff with a big pot size bet so you don't have to make as tough a decision. Usually if they come over the top of your bet, you can be that much more sure that they have a decent holding b/c in their mind your bet represents more strength then would a check.
Of course this play gains more strength if you have shown great or monster hands with small value bets on the river.
Although I don't think its good for long term equity to constantly small bet your monster hands but thats another topic.

I think check calling is better when you 75% sure your opponent has missed a draw and they are a agressive player. And there is also chance they could have 5- outed their river for a two pair and you get to see their hand. If you bet your top pair out on the river and they come over the top, you might not be able to see their hand.

So for the most part, I like leading with a defensive bet when an extremely scary river card hits in heads up situations. If it hits you, I also think a small defensive bet is good b/c chances are it didn't hit them and they are more apt to pay you off if you drew out on them.

If an unscary river card hits and you have either top pair or 2nd pair, I feel the check call is usually a better play. If an unscary card hits the river and you already have two pair I feel it best to lead with a large river bet.

I would like to hear what you guys think on this subject.