View Full Version : 32o dilema

11-02-2004, 06:48 AM
thats what i like about SNG's - 32o used to be an easy hand to play but today it caused me a 30 second tank

4 left with blinds at 150/300 for the last time - i have scrapped and stolen with crappy cards to survive and have T1800 before i post the BB - the SB has T800 before posting - the roughly equal big stacks are too pussy to raise and the SB pushes into my rock

stripsqueez - chickenhawk

11-02-2004, 07:05 AM
500 to win 1100...about 1 out of 3 against a "truly" random hand.

Even if it were "truly" a random hand, and you barely had pot odds to call, I'd still go ahead and fold this. If you call and lose, there goes your fold equity (right over to SB who wouldn't otherwise possess it). Those chips you're putting at risk have a lot of value. SB is still on the short stack and needing to make a move first (you have 1500, he has 1100)...but you may not even have pot odds to call this, so I think it's a definite fold.

I really hate being a p-ssy in spots like this, but I'd need a better hand to call (though I would call a lot here). Plus, if the big stacks are being p-ssies, you'll have more opportunities to steal to keep your stack (and foldling equity) plenty healthy.

Something like 76o...hmmmm....