View Full Version : Going too far with a looser

11-01-2004, 03:57 PM
I recently have started playing the LHE SNG's at Party, and have been following a strategy I found here in the forums, playing very tight in the first 4 rounds (pp's, Ak, & AQ selectively) and trying not to play much else unless in the blinds or LP I might look at a flop with hands like Axs, 10 J. And then loosenign up in the later rounds a bit. Since trying in the last 34 SNG's ($10=1)I have been ITM 44% , 15% 1st, 18% 2nd, & 12% 3rd.
My question is this: since I am playing tight and everyone around me is not, and they are winning with junk, when I get say a PP and the flop comes with overcards & no improvement for my hand n the flop, should I let it go right away as a rule? What I have noticed is since the play is much looser at Party, that I tend to stay too long with the good cards I get even when I suspect them to be looser, burnig off chips. If I were against better players I dont think I would but since I see junk being played as a rule, I get drawn in.
Is it a matter of patience and focus or what? Any suggestions would be appreciated.