View Full Version : Juicy flop percentages

10-13-2001, 09:31 PM
I'm sure that in hold'em a flop percentage of 40% or better is pretty juicy, but what about other games? Omaha8, Stud? Do these games need a higher percentage, or can you get away with a tighter table (I am assuming the same opposition and limits; i.e. everything else is the same). Is my hold'em percentage of 40% even right?


10-14-2001, 09:41 AM
What does "40% flop percentage" mean? You play 40% of the flops you see? You play 40% of all flops? You flop something 40% of the time?

10-14-2001, 11:06 AM
You. You. You? I think he meant "they" (i.e. other players} see 40% of the flops. But I think you knew that.

10-14-2001, 04:03 PM
Actually no. And that explains "juicy".

So I guess the question is "What %age of players voluntarily entering the pot would be better than Viagara?"

I'd say less than 10% or more than 45%.

- Louie

10-14-2001, 04:53 PM
Was my question that ambiguous? I'm sorry if it was. Yes, basically I want to know how loose (or tight) the game needs to be (as indicated by the percentage of people seeing the flop or 4th street) for it to be significantly profitable. Also, I think this value might be different for different games so I'd like opinions for HE, 7CS and O8. Maybe that's a little clearer.