View Full Version : B&M Play Tracking

11-01-2004, 12:50 PM
Is there any program similar to poker tracker that tracks your B&M play? Obviously its not going to be a ridiculous recreation of every hand you’ve ever played like PokerTracker, but something to chart your play.
I started a little spreadsheet a few years ago and it has grown as I have grown in my knowledge of the game. It used to just be the end result of the night, now it has grown to inputting the date, location, hours played, limit, hands played (if the session was online) and the result of the night. From that it calculates the win rate in $/hr as well as in BB’s/hr. It also keeps running totals of total time spent playing, total winnings in terms of dollars as well as BB’s. It also automatically breaks it down into years dated from the first entry, as well as graphs of your winnings and win rate. There is also a separate sheet for tournaments.
The present goal of this sheet is to enter the game on one master sheet, then from there everything else being automatic. For the most part this is the case, however a problem comes up when cutting and pasting the list of results. When a row is pasted over, the calculations get messed up. Excel gives a #ref error. This can be fixed, by using absolute addresses in the calculating cells. This causes a problem for me though. The way I go about extending the master sheet to accommodate more sessions, is by selecting the blank bottom row of the sheet and ‘fill down’ing 20 or 30 rows.
How can I ‘fill down’ the absolute addresses but have them move down. Say I’ve got a cell addressing $B$5 I want to be able to ‘fill down’ the cell addressing $B$5 and have it addressing $B$6 the cell below that addressing $B$7 and so on.

11-01-2004, 02:10 PM
Change the absolute reference of your row to relative, so instead of $B$6, change it to $B6 and then as you drag down the row reference will change.

11-01-2004, 04:35 PM
www.pokercharts.com (http://www.pokercharts.com)

i love this site! numbers go very deep.

11-01-2004, 07:24 PM
That looks like a great site. It will take forever to get all of my data in there though. I look foreward to fooling with it more. I dont know that i can trust all that to a website though i think i will still maintain my current sheet also should the site 'disappear'.

11-01-2004, 07:56 PM
statking looks good, i just got it last week