View Full Version : Lesson from 1998 - Kerry CAN win

10-31-2004, 10:37 PM
I'm gonna tell ya a story of a guy named Jeb, er Jesse...

in 1998, Jesse Ventura became governor of MN. How did he do it, despite being down in the polls?

young and first time voter turnout. He took people from both parties, of course, (more from Democrats then Rep.) but he also got a ton of young people who slipped under the radar of the mass media, the polls, and the establishment.

On Tues, I think it will happen again - I think it'll be so clear that there won't be weeks of election challenges - The guys who wrote the slogan "vote or die" nailed it onthe head. Those young voters WILL be the first ones sent to war when the politicians wanna make more money by firing up the war machine.

And after Tuesday, there will just a pissy and moaning Karl Rove and another Bush sent back home after one term and blowing the highest approval ratings of any president.

and then GWB will finally shut the hell up.


10-31-2004, 10:39 PM
You fall off the wagon again? The youngsters talk big but if a raindrop falls on their head they will be scurrying back into their dorm rooms and play some online poker instead of voting.


10-31-2004, 10:44 PM
Hey whiskey, just make sure that you make it to the polls and bring a few young people with you. I'll do the same here in pennsylvania. good luck and remember vote or die!

10-31-2004, 10:56 PM
unfortuately, I did fall off the wagon again...

but put a religious zealot in the white house and it's amazing how independant minded people turn up.


11-01-2004, 12:42 AM
Political consultant James Carville looks at it this way.

He asks, "What do you call a candidate who relies on young voters and first-time voters"?

Answer: "A loser."

11-01-2004, 01:46 AM
I don't really know if that's fair. Kerry right now is tied in the Zogby poll among likely voters, down by one in the Gallup. Kerry isn't depending on young voters, but they may push him over the top. Whiskeytown--don't round up a few young people. Round up the whole damn town. Your state may prove to be this election's most important. And good call on the religious zealot-independent mind thing.

11-01-2004, 02:51 AM
Vote fraud = John G.(ooops, I forgot it is now "F") Kerry wins

11-01-2004, 02:57 AM
Maybe you're right. What we do know at least is that it won't be the 17,000 black men that Jeb Bush has illegally kept out of the polls in Florida which propel Kerry to victory.

11-01-2004, 03:17 AM
This is something I'm wondering about...

If anybody's actually got proof of this, why the hell hasn't anything happened to him? I mean, it was a big point for those few (or maybe many) Dems still crying over how Gore won the popular vote in 2k, but still lost the Electoral Vote (read: The Vote That Counts).

If there's any concrete, non-partisan proof of illegal activities certainly taking place, I would welcome someone helping me out here...