View Full Version : More on bias in the media

10-29-2004, 07:40 PM
I wish there was a cable-news network I could watch. But - apparently, they've all decided to copy FOX.

Anyway, that was the conclusion I came to several months ago, and ir was reinforced today.

Just now I was flipping through the channels, and happened to land on one I hadn't really watched (CNBC), and I was treated to a panel discussing how the Pentagon's story about removing some munitions destroyed the NYT's credibility, and Kerry's as well - basically parroting the Bush/Cheney/Limbaugh spin almost word for word.

It took me about two seconds to Google the truth:

In a news conference on Friday at the Pentagon, Maj Austin Pearson said his team removed 250 tons of material including TNT and plastic explosives on 13 April 2003.


The Pentagon news conference followed the release of footage shot by a crew embedded with the 101st Airborne Division, which shows troops inspecting explosives at al-Qaqaa on 18 April 2003.

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In other words, the Republicans and their allies in the media would have you believe the military removed the HMX 5 days before the materials are seen on videotape - with the IAEA seals still intact!

How can they think people are that stupid?

How can they have so little respect for simple math?