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View Full Version : PT-- help from a winner?

10-23-2004, 07:05 PM
I wasn't sure whether to post this in small stakes or Internet/ books/ software section... so i did both-

at any rate...i have vowed to myself to analyze my play thoroughly and make an effort at taking the ole game up a notch or 2...anyone who can help- I appreciate it much-

so i began my quest by trying to find the stats posted by Astroglide a while back - these were recommended to me to look over. I was unsuccessful in finding them. If anyone can help me find these, that would be a success in step #1.

Next...it was suggested to me to post my own stats and see if anyone would have a look and maybe feel the urge to help...thus this e-mail.

So...here are my stats from PT since June...playing only 3-6:

Total hands: 21,761
VP$IP = 19.63
VP$I from SB = 30.27
folded SB to steal = 79.37
folded BB to steal = 71.24
att. to steal blinds = 25.19
won $ wsf = 31.12
BB/ 100 hands = 1.34
went to SD% = 33.24
won at SD% = 54.78
PFR% = 7.97
agression factor (no pre-flop) = 1.95
****** flop = 2.21 turn = 2.20 river = 1.44
my BB/ hr/ per table is less than 1...maybe like .65-.75

any advice is appreciated. One question i have is this: according to some of the posts that I have read my #'s are not that far outta whack-- but my winnings are not super ( better than break even but barely better than 1BB per 100 hands - which is less than 1BB per hour per table). How can this be? What areas do you think I should look at more closely?

thanx so much!

10-24-2004, 09:10 PM

Total hands: 19,546 (21,761)
VP$IP = 14.32 (19.63) [You seem a bit loose]
VP$I from SB = 21.96 (30.27) [In a 3:1 blind structure, you should be folding a lot in the SB]
folded SB to steal = 86.49 (79.37) [Even more reason to fold in 3:1]
folded BB to steal = 68.57 (71.24)
att. to steal blinds = 22.43 (25.19)
won $ wsf = 32.21 (31.12)
BB/ 100 hands = 2.36 (1.34)
went to SD% = 32.16 (33.24)
won at SD% = 56.27 (54.78)
PFR% = 8.63 (7.97)
agression factor (no pre-flop) = 2.07 (1.95)
****** flop = 2.56 (2.21) turn = 2.43 (2.20) river = 1.46 (1.44)
(my BB/ hr/ per table is less than 1...maybe like .65-.75) [Meaningless?]

I think you should tighten up in the SB. Not sure if you are actually too lose preflop as I have had a 9k run of cold deck.

I feel I can substain probably 2.25 - 2.5 at this level.