View Full Version : Which book is best.

10-15-2004, 08:27 PM
I get a free book from pokerNOW so I wanted to know what people think of these three books (I already have one of the 4 offered)

1)Caro's fundamental secrets of winning poker
2)Sklansky on poker
3)Internet Texas holdem

I already have Lee Jones' book.


10-15-2004, 11:08 PM
You have them in good order already, strangely enough.

10-16-2004, 12:34 AM
I did this offer too. I have none of the books. I chose Sklansky on Poker. I figured that a 2+2 book figures to be better than a non 2+2 book in general. The Razz section should at least be interesting.

10-16-2004, 07:22 AM
What do you think of Lee Jone's book? I get a free book also /images/graemlins/smile.gif

10-16-2004, 08:10 AM
I'm a particular fan of "Caro's Fundamental Secrets..." I don't always agree with everything Caro says, but he always makes me think about game in new and exciting ways, and I think his advice is very valuable and entertaining.

Chah Ngo
10-16-2004, 02:42 PM
Get Internet Texas Holdem. This is a very good book. Do a search of this forum for "most under rated poker book" there was a thread about it.
If you want the Caro book (which is a very enjoyable read), just buy it. You can get it for less than $10.00 here: Caro's book cheap (http://www.overstock.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi)

10-16-2004, 03:48 PM
Lee Jones' books is probably one of the best beginner books out there (that and ITH from what I've read here). It teaches a weak tight strategy that will help you not loose money. When I first read it I really liked it. After I read SSH which is an Excellent book (but not a beginner book) Jones' book seem to be worse but its still a good book and I would recommend it to a friend who is starting out.


10-16-2004, 03:49 PM
Will ITH be usefull to some one who has WLLH and SSH?


10-17-2004, 04:17 PM
ITH is an excellent book.

10-17-2004, 09:26 PM
It has very good charts, too, that are worthy of study and comparison with Ed's starting hands section in SSHE and concepts in general. ITH starting hands and recommendations are a more solid backbone for play, and SSHE's provide the adaptation to the looser play common online and extremely common in live casinos, and ways to flesh out your game with more daring play along the edges to expand your profitability. But it's always good to have a foundation and know explicitly when you vary from it; comparing the two books teaches you more about either than you would get from reading either alone.

10-17-2004, 10:52 PM
Will ITH be usefull to some one who has WLLH and SSH?


[/ QUOTE ]

Don't be afraid to spend a few bucks on a decent book. ITH is worth the $$.

10-18-2004, 04:27 PM
People don't seem to acknowledge the "premise" or target audience of various books enough when asking or answering these types of questions. One good example is comparing SSH to ITH. These books are really not to be compared. SSH has some advanced concepts, and explains them pretty well. Yet they are geared toward a specific type of game. Just because it contains advanced concepts does not make it better for you than ITH, for example. Any book with real hand examples and analysis is a big plus for me. SSH has fewer hand examples than ITH, but they have a longer analysis and in general are chosen more selectively to illustrate a specific concept (they are probably not even real hand examples which is fine.) On the other hand, ITH is geared toward different games in general, and would be better for a solid background against a wider range of opponents and styles than SSH. The starting hands charts are probably the best anywhere, at least in terms of getting you to understanding the theory by studying examples (and getting to this point is the more important than memorizing any particular scheme by rote, as SSH points out.) The hand examples also in ITH would be worth the price of admission alone, given how important I think it is for a student to learn by specific examples. Compare this with HPFAP. This book is much harder to understand, regardless of how "correct" it is, and irrespective of the writing style. That's because many readers get done with it and then say, "Right, OK, but how do I actually play?" Books like SSH or ITH do that, and books like WLLH and HPFAP don't. WLLH is more valuable for a casual student of the game than a serious one. You will have to roll up your sleeves right from the first chapter of ITH, but it will probably be worth it.

10-22-2004, 06:22 PM
List price for each at Gambler's Book Store

Hilger - $29.95, 298 pgs (2003)
Caro - $12.95, 150 pgs (1996)
Sklansky - $29.95, 180 pgs (1989)

Not that bigger is necessarily better....but a $30 book for free OR a $13 book for free isn't really much of a contest. I can always buy the Caro book if I really want to.

Between Sklansky and Hilger I'm a bit torn.
Thinking about Hilger for slightly different perspecitve on hold-em. Everyone here saying it's pretty decent is compelling.
A handful of fun tables/charts supposedly too.

Thinking about Sklansky because section on tourney-strategy seems interesting to me....but I suspect much of that is kinda in TPFAP perhaps. Also, Razz isn't that exciting to me. Might be interesting to read his strategies on it....but I would just be reading about a game that I don't really have an intention of playing.

Thus, I think it'll be the Hilger book for me....but might get the Sklansky book on my own at some point.