View Full Version : help finding old rock critic book

10-15-2004, 12:45 AM
In the early nineties, in college, I remember picking up a Greatest Ever Rock Albums-type book. I had a definite interest in music already and a fairly large collection, but this book made a weird impression on me bc it had a lot of odd seeming choices and things I hadn't heard of. And it wasn't an alternative thing either. I'm trying to identify it now and track it down, bc I like to acquire such books to find new things.

What struck me, and what may help identify the book, were Lone Justice in the top ten, who I hadn't heard of at that time, and Rod Stewart, Every Picture Tells a Story, in the top three. And Exile of course was first or second, which sadly at that point I hadn't listened to yet.

Does this ring any bells for anyone? Lone Justice and Rod in a book like this. It was one page to an album, wiht the album cover above each review (that picture of Maria McKee still sticks with me. It wasn't till like last year that I ever heard that album or her (didn't really grab me either)))))

10-15-2004, 12:59 AM
another round of googling and I found it on my own. a little a libis, a little amazon, and there it is (in fact the guy has his own website now, though this book must be 20 years old):

by Jimmy Guterman

Not that he's right, or great, but I'm sure there are things in there I don't know, that I'll like. (And Lone Justice wasn't in the top ten, it was in the nineties, but still...)