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View Full Version : pot limit Omaha hand

04-23-2002, 07:46 PM
I played this hand a few days ago and it is sticking in my mind, as I am unsure if I played it correctly or not. The game is six or seven handed, blinds are £0.50/£1. I limp in mid position with J-9-8-7, suits irrelevant. I have close to £200 in my stack, as does TBB. We both have everyone else comfortably covered. We see the flop five handed, 10s-8s-8c. Its checked to me and I bet the pot. JB raises me another £5, and TBB calls cold. Its folded to me. I give JB spades and a ten with nigh on total certainty - we're friends and I know how he likes to semi bluff me. TBB is too good a player to be drawing on a paired board, so I give him a made hand. I don't think he's full though, he probably has an eight with decent sidecards. I decide to reraise £25 more, thinking I am likely to win it there and then, and probably have outs even if I am called. Naturally if he comes to life with a reraise I give him the tens and pass. I'll post the results seperately, and I'd appreciate input on any and all aspects of this hand.

04-23-2002, 09:06 PM
you should have folded for the 5 quid rather than raising. you hand is no good most of the time.

04-24-2002, 12:01 AM
You are most likely already beat and probably drawing almost dead. You may have one out- the 8- if it is live, which is doubtful. Best to past on this hand and wait for a better hand to invest your money in.


04-24-2002, 05:44 AM

flop: 10s-8s-8c

your cards: J-9-8-7

so I give him a made hand. I don't think he's full though, he probably has an eight with decent sidecards. I decide to reraise £25 more, thinking I am likely to win it there and then ... </BLOCKQUOTE>

why? to me it looks like a "milking bet" and do you really think he's going to pass for another 25?

he is either full already (TT), he could have JsTT9s (holy macaroni! full already + a

2 cards to a straight flush).

Look at your hand - low trips and just one kicker

(J) higher than the board. No Ace for top kicker. Where are you heading?

If you get called (likely) and hit your J what

would you do? You would have 888JJ. Your opponent

will still be in the lead. With TTT88 -

or you could get trapped big time if he holds

JJTT ... There goes your outs - out of the window /images/oh.gif

You play the player here which is fine - but if

you get any more action after this you got to dump it ...

in clear daylight - my tuppence worth /images/wink.gif


04-24-2002, 10:11 AM
JB passes to the raise pretty quickly, and as a sidenote he told me after the game that he had A-K-10-9 and the second nut spade draw. I agree that it looks like a milker, but I know the player, and when he raises small he is normally weak and trying to find out where he is, not trying to eke a few quid more out with the nuts. Since I gave him a 10, and I was pretty sure TBB would have reraised a 10-8 combination, the only hand he can have that he is not going to pass is the 10-10. For £25 more I can find out, and also move him off a better 8, since a reraise is claiming that I am already full. If he calls I am naturally pretty much done with the hand, barring dramatic improvement. After much hesitation TBB passed what I suspect was trips with a higher kicker than mine.

04-24-2002, 11:28 PM
Great play and good read. Your post and results clearly show how hand reading skills and knowing your opponents can strengthen your game.
