View Full Version : A very funny hand

03-27-2002, 05:52 PM
This post is a copy from a post I read at the "The Hendon Mob forum. I found it funny enough to share it with you.

"Was playing cash holdem friday nite at the vic, when carlo pointed out he had only been dealt one "down" card (just before the first man had to call the blind) the dealer said "miss deal ill deal them again" to which carlo said "no, ill play with only one card!!" no-one objected and then someone raised just before it got to calo, carlo CALLED the raise with ONE hole card and everyone passed except the raiser and carlo, (everyone stated to chuckle).... so it was "heads up"!! the flop comes 3 - 3 - 4 TWO HEARTS... the raiser bets the pot!! carlo thinks for a few moments and then calls!.....the raiser now starts to laugh (cos he now has no idea what calos got!! )we all laugh, including the dealer (cos this is gonna get interesting !!)....the turn comes 8 (blank..NO heart) the raiser starts to think....and decides to CHECK!!(ha-ha!!) carlo has a dwell .....and checks with him, the river comes....its another 4 ! so the board looks like this...3-3-4-8-4...(no flush out there) the raiser starts to think again and then comes out with a nominal bet (about £25) into a £180 pot!! carlo now really starts to think for a few moments... (proberly thinking of raising!!!!) and then bursts out laughing!!! and says "im gonna call this!" he nearly changed his mind but cos of the value he now knew he couldnt pass, he tosses the £25 chip in and at that moment I think the WHOLE table wanted carlo to win the pot...the raiser then started to laugh...and it was time for a showdown!... carlo showed the ACE of hearts... the raiser showed down 8 - 9 of spades, so he the raiser HAD won the pot.. but he was too scared to bet on THE TURN (even though he had hit his card) and still worried on the RIVER!!!! (him maybe knowing carlo, and that he could play any card even a 3 or a 4 ) so the moral of the story is if your ever dealt one card at holdem, carlo proves you can still command ALOT of respect! what a "diamond"!!! "

