View Full Version : Experiments in aggression (post-flop)

09-29-2004, 12:52 PM
Using the PartyPoker auto-rate feature (on myself) I decided yesterday to play more aggressively

ie. I sat at a $2/$4 table and played in such a way that meant it would rate me as (Tight Aggressive Aggressive)

I'm sure most people reading this forum already do this as second nature, but it isn't to me. I am a tight preflop but often way too passive postflop player.

Anyway the result of this 2 hour experiment. I had a good
winning session, and it was quite invigorating

The aggressiveness post flop requires basically betting or raising far more often than you just call.

When the flop hit me it didn't really change my game a lot, because I'd have aggressively played it anyway. The big difference was the occasions when the flop missed me totally (which are of course numerous).

What struck me was :

a) Even when I had a weak postflop hand, other people would fold to me a lot more then I expected them to

b) occasionally people would call me down when I had only a bottom pair and yet their hands were still worse

c) often people would call me down with hands they should have raised with

d) the number of times I was called down (when I had nothing) was more than compensated by the other times, when everyone else folded (when I had nothing)

None of these benefits are available to me in my passive- playing state. Could this be what I've been missing out on all this time? Still I'm not getting carried away, its only 1 measly session. Will try it again later.

Pokertracker aided me in this exercise, by confirming my tight - aggressiveness (and that of another player, who I was wary of throughout).

I won more in that one session than Pokertracker cost, so got to be pleased with my purchase!