View Full Version : Is my math correct, please check...

09-28-2004, 07:54 PM
In a 10-handed game, AA or KK should be held by somebody at the table ~8.8% of the time? That seemed high to me at first but it means somebody is likely to hold either AA or KK once every 11 orbits, guess that seems about right...

The odds that someone is holding AA/KK/QQ/JJ or AK in a 10-handed game is 26.4%... this is correct..... right? just making sure I am calculating this correctly before I continue...

10-01-2004, 06:33 PM
(1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220) odds of pocket aces
(1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220 + 1/220) odds of pocket kings
= 10 * 1/220 + 10 * 1/220
= 10/220 * 2
= 20/220
= 1/11
= .091 = 9.1%

10-01-2004, 07:11 PM
pretty minor, but i believe it's 1/221 or 220:1 against being dealt any specific pocket pair. Probably why your numbers are slightly off.