View Full Version : Effective Odds and Reverse Implied Odds

08-07-2002, 07:58 PM
Can someone please explain to me the differences and similarities between Effective Odds and Reverse Implied Odds. Sounds to me that they're the same thing. Are they?

08-08-2002, 03:29 PM

08-08-2002, 08:58 PM
effective odds are what you are getting if you need to improve to win in, say, the next two cards and you intend to see those two cards expecting betting on each

in other words, if you have a four-flush and the pot is $40 with one opponent having bet $10 at you, although it looks like you are getting 40 to 10, or 4 to 1, you know that if you don't flush it will cost you another $20 to see the river

so at that point in time your effective odds are in fact ($40 + $20) to ($10 + $20) = 60 to 30 = only 2 to 1

you need to know that the odds on you making your required hand in two cards are less than the effective odds in order for it to be sensible to call the $10 bet

reverse implied odds are different in that they are an amalgam of best and worst cases

your hand is made, already, with, say, one card to come - maybe it's a pair of jacks in hand - there's not a great chance of improvement - but you have decided to call against a turned Q anyway, believing he may be bluffing without a Q

if the pot is $40 with one opponent having bet $10 at you - if you are beaten you will lose this $10 plus the next $20 bet - you are "committing" a total of $30 at that point

but if you call and then he backs off because he sees you are going to call another bet and he doesn't have the Q, as he doesn't bet the other $20, you only win the $40 in the pot at the moment

in effect at that point you are risking losing $30 to likely win only $40

your reverse implied odds are $40 to $30 or 1.3 to 1 not the 4 to 1 it looks like as you accept the initial bet

08-10-2002, 03:33 PM