View Full Version : 1-800-SUI-CIDE (virtual PC/poker tracker)

09-27-2004, 08:49 AM
I am at wits end due to mac/virtual PC/poker tracker/Party poker problems.

I am on a G4, 17", 1.33GHz, 1GBSDRAM powerbook, with Virtual PC 6.1 and windows XP.

New to poker tracker, ~950 hands in, fixing to purchase, TROUBLE TRYING TO OPEN ANY GAME TIME WINDOW (either external, or in the ring game stats window)

I have been able to four table on Party on this machine with no trouble.

HOWEVER, when I try to SINGLE table, and open an external (or internal) game time window, the thing slows down like its stuck in quick sand. 1 to 2 deals may go by while the windows are opening up.

Any thoughts?
how does one allocate more of the native mac memory to the virtual machine (if that is possible)

It is almost enough to make me go buy a damn PC knock off.

09-27-2004, 03:58 PM
not to start a mac/pc debate but i'd consider getting a pc... can be had for pretty cheap nowadays (2.8 p4 ~$400 for a dell, no monitor)

it seems not too many online poker places have the resources to fully support mac users, so if i were one and was taking up poker seriously, i'd think about getting a pc.

Jonny G
09-27-2004, 04:41 PM
I don't use poker tracker but I'm sure you can allocate more memory to the VPC side. I'm not home right now but it's under options/preferences. I use VPC on my G4, I also have a G5 but since Microsoft purchased VPC, I have to wait for the release of VPC 7 for it to be compatible with my G5.

Good luck. PM me if you need help. I'll be able to walk you through it once I'm on my home machine.

Take it easy.


09-27-2004, 05:13 PM
do you get good resolution to 4 table with minimal overlap? I don't on my 15" powerbook.


09-28-2004, 03:24 AM
I've got a gig of RAM too and sometimes, with the new automated importing of Party hands, my system slows to a crawl. Closing internet windows and otherwise freeing up memory seems to help tremendously.

I never thought I would ever think about getting more than a gig of RAM, but I am now. As well as thinking about getting more RAM in your machine, you might try to free up the RAM you have by closing unneeded programs, from anti-virus ones to all those nasty little things that like to stick themselves on your taskbar at boot-up.