View Full Version : The right equipment?

05-15-2002, 12:31 AM
What is the right equipment for a professional poker player?

This question may sound like a joke, but is it really?

I am sure this will spawn all sorts of humorous threads about "the look" we all know.. sunglasses, casino hat and jacket (with a royal flush on the back), hip pack, lucky charms..

Consider this:

Purple and rose tinted glasses offer the best contrast of objects against a green or blue background.

If you spend 60 hours a week playing poker this little bit of info could reduce eyestrain considerably. Perhaps much more important for stud players.

05-15-2002, 02:18 AM
What to ware at the poker table or the proper professional attire (equipment).

For the men:

1. Large mexician sombrero - to reduce glare from overhead lights and provide shade for your area of the table. To add a touch of manliness, stick a large peacock feather in the band.

2. Thin, limegreen, wrap-around mirrored sunglasses.

3. A Low-cut, red silk cocktail dress. Amost sheer, with a nice bow along the side near the hip. Lace pink panties are optional. You will be sitting for long hours and comfort is paramount.

4. Knee-high Bullwinkle the Moose sox.

5. Footware is either birckenstocks or, for special occasions, flashy red highheels.

For the Women:

1. Classic black fedora with a red rose in the band.

2. Purple sunglasses

3. White sheath evening dress, embroidered with crystals, rhinestones, and sequins and a full-length black velvet evening coat. Again, the panties are optional.

4. Footware, either pink cowboy boots or, for special occasions, pink pumps with a bow.

5. For tournament play, women should don white silk gloves with a pearl attached near the wrist and the men may chew on short, fat, greenish cigars.

Notice how all the clothes are well coordinated and both the male and female dress compliment each other. I hope everyone takes note and seriously considers the above suggestions. The poker table will be much more interesting. Especially if Ray, Mason, and David will lead the way in the above professional players attire. Although I think, Tommy A., Lee J., Vince L., and Jim B. should look as equally becoming.


05-15-2002, 02:53 AM
Thru long years of study and countless hours of practical at the table experience, I have found that certain types of clothes tend to attract more good luck than others. I buy mine at Target.

05-15-2002, 03:30 AM
in car - toothbrush/toothpaste/floss/mouthwash for those long sessions, sweatshirt, extra hat.

on person - dental floss,aspirin,vitamin c, bag o vitamins to take after meal, sunglasses in case in my pocket, hat, jacket, mp3 player w/earbud headphones w/extra batteries, watch, vasoline lip balm, handkerchief.

optional: pen and notebook, since you can use paper and pen at casino and transfer at home.


05-15-2002, 04:01 AM
wow. i have most of the survival s*** in my car. i walk in with my jacket or sweatshirt (if its cold outside), my wallet, and my cigarettes. sometimes i bring my Gatorade in with me, since you can't get it at the casino. (or apple juice, which is kind of weird). then again, i need to start taking notes more. but i don't think i will ever do that at the table.

05-15-2002, 07:01 AM

05-15-2002, 11:21 AM
I use a purse, or zipper pockets in a jacket that serves as same. The most important things in my purse are my toothbrush, toothpaste and floss. Hundreds of times, I have explained myself in the bathroom, saying that this is "the secret to my success."

And that's not too much of an exaggeration. The more I play, the less importance I put on the mundane parts of the game, all those pesky cards and betting decisions. That part is nothing. It's maintaining a good mind that counts most. And for me, that starts with clean gums.

And fashionable shoes of course.


05-15-2002, 11:48 AM
I totally agree with you. Maybe I *could* make an extra $0.25 per hour if I continued to spend all my free time thinking about how I can steal one extra pot per week or how I can get an extra bet out of someone after I flop a straight flush..

*Anything* that will help me avoid a disaster such as making a gross call preflop due to mental deterioration is worth far more than wondering about tiny little EV plays that dont often come up to begin with.

I am off to pick up purple tinted sunglasses... wish me luck in finding a pair.

05-16-2002, 12:27 AM

05-16-2002, 08:58 PM
I like all the stuff on your list. I also have...

A book to read in case I have to wait. I recommend Boswell's Life of Johnson because it's easy to get into and out of, but anything will do.

A container of Purell hand cleaner.

A bag of jerky and some fig newtons in case I get hungry and don't like whatever food they're dealing.

A bottle of water.

Sunglasses that won't make diamonds look like spades. I don't know if you've seen the new style Kem cards, but the problem is even worse because the indicies are lower.

A card protector.

Non drowsy clod medicine and zinc throat lozenges(sp).

If there is going to be a big player at the game, I'll bring him presents. Cigarettes or candy when they don't have his brand, etc.

I keep all this junk in a small brief case.

05-17-2002, 12:23 AM
First of all, you don't read while you're waiting. You scope out players and tables and seat positions. You see who's on tilt. You see who's stacked where.

Second, I like to bring an extra rubberband or two. But then, I guess if you bring the book, you probably won't need it;-)


05-17-2002, 12:29 AM
What I bring to the Casino:

Verve, Venom, Vengeance

What I "take" from the Casino:

Veni, Vedi, Vici


05-18-2002, 05:46 AM
It seems nobody sells a cheap pair of purple tinted sunglasses.. the cheapest I could find were some oakleys for over $100.

I just cant bring myself to spend that much on sunglasses.

05-19-2002, 04:37 PM
The rebound posts for "The right equipment?" were very entertaining and fun to read.... Some very good writers participated.... I envy their talent and craftmanship.