View Full Version : My visit with the shrink

05-09-2002, 02:37 PM
Hey everyone,

The post below *What if your family disagrees* got me thinking back to my own past.

I've done a fair bit of what I would say was serious gambling over the years, and had pretty much fought with my family along the way. It's a difficult thing for them to understand. I can't count the times that I've been told, "Damn, you lost a new fridge/stove". They just don't understand that you don't relate to things that way. /images/smile.gif

Finally, the now x-wife snapped when I was on a trip to LA and the marriage had ended. I did a lot of one-on-one counselling and actually quit playing poker for a bit over a year without a problem. I always maintained that I play for the money and for no other reason.

Anyhow, I did the entire nine yards. To answer questions for myself, I even went to a gambling counsellor and went through a battery of test.

The end result was the difference between what I was doing (and continue to do) and someone with a *gambling problem* was that I am a winning player and had multiple years of records to show for it.

She felt that the worst thing that I could ever do was to go to the WSOP because if I lost,I would need to try again, if I won, I would need to try and repeat. I'm obsessive/compulsive, so I would never be happy.

She also felt that while I'm winning now, I would eventually lose when I became older and the brain was not functioning quite as quickly.

Finally, I was advised that I should never try cocaine because I'd be a gonner. Poker was my cocaine and it produces in me the same chemicals that are found in an addict.

The long and the short of it is, things are better, I have a terrific gal who stands by me all the way, who plays a pretty good game on her own. I have a better perspective of what is important in my life. I just play now to pay the child support. /images/smile.gif



05-09-2002, 02:49 PM

05-10-2002, 12:35 AM

Did I miss something here- is your ex-wife an

MD/psychoanalyst/clairvoyant rolled into one?

You're fortunate to have found someone who believes in your avocation, as well as shares it with you. I'm also lucky that way, though my partner doesn't share my interest to the same extent, preferring other amusements at the casino.
