View Full Version : Information on WPPA

09-17-2004, 01:04 AM
I have like many checked the World Poker Player Associations web site http://www.wppa.info.

I think it's a great idea, very much about time, I'd love to join and I have no qualms committing .3% of my tournament winnings to such a good cause. God knows we poker- and especially poker-tournament players are in dire need of defining and empowering our self as more than just buyers of casinos and online card-rooms commercial services.

Only one problem. Who the frig are the people running the show? They have an - impressive - list of "volunteers having pledged assistance", but that doesn't say who started WPPA and who's making the day-to-day decissions? And who is "Akarua Productions", that bottoms all the pages?

Can anyone enlighten me here? It would be a pity if such a good and highly needed initiative should go wasted just because of mindless secrecy and lack of information. Basically, I just don't want to support a special interest group without thorough insight into all of it's financial and political affiliations, and I would not recommend others to do that either. Help!


McMelchior (Johan)