View Full Version : understanding conservatives

09-12-2004, 01:38 PM
Actually, the Democrats and Republicans have swapped identitites over time. For example, the Grant White House defened civil rights, while the Democrats basically identified with the Jim Crow laws. They have traded positions on this issue.

"Conservatives" like John Adams favored a strong national governmnet, while Jeffeersonian ideas favored states rights, and limited central government. This issue has been swapped out 2-3 times in America history.
"The Conservative Mind" is a good source for historical perspective.

I believe that the lables of "Liberal" and "Conservative" do not adequately address the differences between party perspective. These lables are prone to maniopulation for political necesity.

Asking the question of who benefits seems more to the point.
The Republicans, and Bush in particular, benefited more from 9-11 than the Democrats both financailly, and politically.