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09-11-2004, 11:26 AM
as to point me in the right direction for threads regarding 6 handed ring games. looking for pretty basic stuff like starting hands etc. plus maybe a few faq threads.

many thanks for your help.

09-11-2004, 11:37 AM
just thought i'd pop in a little about the games i play 6 handed. they are normally 5/1, max $100. games tend to be quite loose and normally contain 3/4 bigger stacks and a couple of small stacks.

09-13-2004, 11:41 AM
it seems this thread hasnt really caught anyones attention. could someone just confirm if my thinking is right. a nine player ring game has 50% more players than a six player game, so should you play 50% more hands in each pos, or is this way to loose.

09-13-2004, 11:58 AM
You should actually play less hands than in 6 max, because as there are more opponents, there are more hand combinations possible and so your opponents are going to on average holding better cards than in 6 max.

09-13-2004, 11:59 AM
sorry if my post sounded that way, i play 9 player max at the mo moment and am looking to switch to 6 max.

09-13-2004, 12:35 PM
Oh yeah, sorry, I should have read it closer. Well, I only really play in 10 player games and I haven't got a definitive preflop selection for shorthanded play so take this with a pinch of salt, but the less people there are, the less it takes for me to raise. I start raising coming in with stuff like AJ/KQ/AT/KJ when it gets down to 6 players, maybe playing some of them for a raise with position if I was paying attention to the other players. Otherwise, I mostly limp/occasionally raise most of the other trouble broadway combos in LP along with anything else I would usually play in a full game.

09-13-2004, 01:18 PM
I play some of the 6-max tables, and yes you can play a little looser. I mostly like it b/c the other players play waaaaaay looser, on Party at least, and your Top pair hands tend to hold up better and be outkicked less often.

09-13-2004, 02:21 PM
when you say they are very loose, how do you think of these as a general guildline(player dependant).

amusing a normal game at these levels (groups compare to hpfap)

utg 1-3 plus stronger group 4 hands. passive tables any pair. raising 1-2 plus stronger group 3

mp 1-4 plus stronger group 5. passive tables any pair.
raising/calling 1-3.

co 1-5 plus any pair and stonger group 6. raising/calling 1-4

button/blinds playing like a 9 max ring game.