View Full Version : Wire lost in the system

09-09-2004, 12:30 AM
Hi all,

I made a wire cash out about 3 weeks ago from Party now, and all my previous wires have got thru in a few days.

This one seems to be lost in the system. I've been going through a cycle of

PartyPoker: [wait 3 days] We processed it, see bank
Bank: We never got it, see Party

Party's basic position is that they've sent out the money thus i have it, and the bank's position is that, having never received it, they can't trace it.

In talking to the bank, they say that the wire wouldn't have made it through because all wires need to be sent to a different bank account first for currency conversion. However, this has not been a problem on any/many wires previously.

Has anyone had any similar experiences and have some advice?

Regards, Punter

09-16-2004, 07:45 AM

It's been a month now. Party just continues to stall me with 'Please allow our accounting department x hours' where x is whatever they said last time + 24 hours.

Any advice?

Regards, Punter

09-16-2004, 09:31 AM
Send them a cobra in the mail