View Full Version : Our Brother's Editor's 10th from last post

10-28-2001, 11:01 AM
Having a backround in Hollywood as we do (Silverado, Lethal weapon, Back to the Future, and many others) we are in a very good position to determine why our brother, Mark, feels as though he doesn't exist.

When we were kids we always played the "Where's MarK" game even though he was sitting at the dinner table right next to us. This got him very upset and he would make fun of the way we talked and pronounced words to get even.

Obviously, we did much damage even though we were only trying to have fun tormenting the little brat.

Perhaps, our success at convincing him that he didn't exist gave us the confidence to try acting in Hollywood.

So, yes twoplustwoers, there is a Mark Glover. It's just that he doesn't think there is.