View Full Version : Hand History Request

Phill S
09-06-2004, 09:15 AM
im thinking of moving my bankroll and a chunk of extra cash over too party, in order to play in the 20s (and 30s when i build my roll up further).

i was wondering if any of you guys and gals would be so kind to donate me a few of your hand histories (in the said 20 and 30 buy in level) in an attempt to fix in my mind the strategic differences im sure to find by changing site.

think of it as an attempt to climatise myself before running a marathon up a mountain. im brushing up on all my poker books, and reading up old threads on here in an attempt to hook up the theory.

if you could drop me a line at 'phillsievers at hotmail dot com' if your willing to help me out that would be great, and i can but thank you for this help.

in addition i wonder if you guys could help me out with a couple of Qs (although im sure more will come):
1, ive downloaded the party software, and tried out the playmoney games to get a handle on the software before cashing into it. what ive noticed is i cant multitable (something i do at ladbrokes and plan to do at party). is there something i have to uncheck somewhere in the software to do so, or is it just a case of not being able to do it on play money tables.
2, at somepoint you get the 1000 starting chips. is this at the 30s or the 50s?

the help of all you guys on here is much appreciated. (i dont get to say this often enough)


09-06-2004, 09:47 AM
you can definitely multi table at the real money games (up to 4), I'm not sure if you can with play money.
It's 800 starting chips until you get to the 50+5 level when it changes to 1000.
I worked my way up from the 10 games to the 100 games. The 20 level plays fairly similar to the 10 with maybe one less screwball per game who goes out in the first hand. I found the 30 level hard to beat which i attributed to better players with still relatively small amounts of chips to begin with so it becomes a bit of a crapshoot. I did much better at the 50 and 100 levels than the 30.
If you're really serious I'm sure we could all bombard you with tournament histories.

Phill S
09-06-2004, 10:02 AM
thanks for the quick responce.

i look forward to being bombarded over the next few days if you guys would be so kind. ive got a couple of weeks till i can set myself up to play there (im moving in a few weeks so im not making the change till after then) so spending time with analysis would help keep me sane.

thanks again guys
