View Full Version : Stuey?

09-05-2004, 10:07 PM
A question for those who have seen the movie "Stuey" - where were you able to find it? I checked Blockbuster, Family Video and another local video store and none of them had ever heard of it. Any insight is accpreciated.

09-06-2004, 07:10 PM
HMM! I believe your problem my be the fact that it hasn't been released on vhs or dvd yet, and for that matter it hasn't even gone to theaters yet!
Some people have seen it at a film festival, or some special invite, but it hasn't been released to the public. It has a website, and i believe the release is suppose to come this month, but who knows. Hear it wasn't very good any way, but anything about stuey should be interesting.

09-06-2004, 08:30 PM
Ah, I see. I had read reviews of it from fans (all positive) so I assumed it was released, but apparently not. Thanks.

09-06-2004, 08:34 PM