View Full Version : Raising limpers

09-05-2004, 03:23 PM
PP $10 satellite for $250 tournament. 18 players left, 5 qualify. I have T3K, which is about 1/2 of average. CO limps, SB completes. I am in BB with ATs. I push. CO folds to my relief, but SB supprises me by calling, showing AJs.

I guess SB's play makes sense in a way, as AJs is good to see a flop with for the flush possibilities, but also plays well allin.

I am hesitant about making moves like this in low buyin events, because some players prefer to call than to raise and will limp in with strong hands in any situation and then call a huge raise.

However, neither player was representing much of a hand. It takes a pretty decent hand to dominate AT. I was getting 4-3 on my money. Of course, I wound up being a 3-1 underdog.

I realize it is opponent-dependent, but was this a bad play?

09-05-2004, 04:51 PM
It's a long way from 18th to 5th, and T3K makes it even longer. I don't see what else you could play.

09-05-2004, 08:15 PM
You don't mention what the blinds are, nor the SB's stack. We'd need this info to be able to analyze your play. From what you've given us, it sounds ok, but would likely have worked more often if you had an average stack, rather than 1/2 average.