View Full Version : Look who's tapping now

09-04-2001, 10:12 PM
First, I am not sure if this is the right forum, or even if this deserves a post. I apologize in advance if anyone finds it inappropriate.

10/20 s/8 game, I sat down because the game looked weak despite a talented young player I've seen before, who was busy accumulating a monstor stack. No one else looked strong at all, except maybe one guy who looked to me to be clearly on tilt. As the game progressed, the character of the game changed, with a Pro(?), aka Sunglasses, and another Pro(?), aka Sweet Flower sitting on either side of me. Both of them banter with Tilt on the other side of the table about bigger games. In the meantime the Talent is playing happy, playing hard and hitting everything.

Sunglasses is getting really roasted by the Talent, and now starts commenting (mostly directed in the general direction of Sweet Flower, and me after she leaves) about the bad play/good luck/and drawouts of the Talent. I don't want to hear it, I think the Talent is playing just fine, and make non-commital noises. Finally I get fed up, we lose another player, so I get up and leave too.

Since I didn't want to say anthing at the table, I will do it here. To Sunglasses, "What are you telling ME this, you don't know me at all. If the comments are directed towards me, why are you so loud that the table in back of us can hear you too? If you think he is putting bad beats on you (I don't think so), you should be glad he is still at the table. Don't try chase to him away. In the meantime, I see his stack going up, and your's going down. Watch him for a while and learn; I have since I sat down. He is consistently beating the weaker players for the maximum amount every time he hits a hand. His happy style is keeping the weaker players in the game, while your grousing is driving them away."

Maybe I was the fish at the table, I certainly left enough money there. But I wasn't the one stirring the waters.

09-05-2001, 01:44 AM
"I apologize in advance if anyone finds it inappropriate". ... I guess I'll show some restraint here, despite the enormous temptation to say something like "Oh, how sweet". :)

This guy distracted you to the point of playing poorly. You probably don't want to hear things like "Don't let it bother you". No duh. Too bad people who say that never tell the rest of us how, but I digress. The problem is that you let it continue and drain away YOUR play.

You must "fight" back. I'm sure you can find a way to say it nicely, but you need to get him to stop complaining to you. That's YOUR job in that spot; and its much more important than raising with your split Ks.

Some possibilities:

Move seats, especially the one behind the Talent.

"You know, I really care deeply about your problem. Please, go ahead and talk all night about it".

"I'm sorry, have you been talking to ME all this time?"

"I used to play in England where they are not allowed to talk. I miss it."

"Do you have a walkman? May I borrow it?"

"So, you're saying that you play better than he?"

"My mom is in really in bad health. Can I tell you all about it?"

"I have this pimple on my back, and I just can't seem to get it. Dang."

"I just got back from a vacation on Mars; it was lovely. Have you ever been there?"

"Sir, I'm sorry that you are losing but your complaining is distracting me."

- Louie

09-05-2001, 11:11 PM