View Full Version : I liked my response

07-16-2002, 12:59 PM
Playing in a no limit game with a player who is very loose aggressive. LOVES to try to outplay tight players by beating them with wacky hands. Thinks he is the only hold'em player on earth with any balls or creativity. Nevertheless, a likeable guy who is fun to have at the table and loves to engage in friendly smack talk.

He is a losing player because of his over-aggresiveness and his ultra-loose preflop standards.

At one point, he drags down a decent pot with Q3o which he played from very early position. He looks me in the eye, gives me a big grin, and says "Now that's a hand you would NEVER play. You'll NEVER win a pot with that hand."

"You have your reasons. I have mine."

He gave me that priceless, "did you just insult me?" look.

