View Full Version : Kambodia Kerry

08-25-2004, 01:45 PM
Why is it that Kerry is a proven lier and the press gives him a free pass while GWB gets accussed of lying when it's been proven he didn't and they still accuse him?

Let's see....Christmas in Cambodia "seared" into his mind. Proven to be a blatant lie.

And now, oh gee whiz, I guess that Purple Heart was self-inflicted.

It's 250 Swift Boat Vets for Truth vs. what, a dozen Kerry butt plugs? And Kerry claims they are "smearing" him? Maybe Kerry is smearing them eh? What a shameless self-serving dog.

Oh I know....the ususal:
"Bush Lied!"
"Bush Deserted!"
"No War For Oil!"
"(insert silly lefty bumper sticker slogan here)"

I love the bumper stickers mindset.