View Full Version : Nobody Plays better'n me!

07-26-2002, 06:11 AM
Nobody plays mid limit poker better than me. I play better than you! You can take that to the bank. I am the best there is. Anyone sitting in my game can only hope to be the second best player in the game. Cause I'm the best player. Not only in that game. In any game. I am the best mid limit poker player in the world. Male or female. Bar none, I am the best. Wanna play?


07-26-2002, 07:48 AM
To mee you sound like a guy who deep down knows he's not very good, but tries to convince himself otherwise...

07-26-2002, 11:32 AM
Um yeah Vince get a life.

The Cat

07-26-2002, 11:44 AM
Even if you are as great as you say, what do you earn? A whole bet and 1/2 per hour? I wouldn't roll over in bed for that amount of $.

what i love doing is coming into the casino with a huge stack of chips and tilting all the so-called "pros" who sit around all day on their leather ass and profer to be the "greatest" in the world -- and who curse and scream with one measly bad beat of AJ taking out AQ. real nice lifestyle.

get a real job vince. . . I use your chips for coasters.

07-26-2002, 12:03 PM

Would that be heads-up? In a ring game? Short handed? Chinese poker? Pai-Gow poker? Carribean Stud? Let It Ride? Three Card poker? Seven Stud? Five Card Stud? Texas Holdem? Razz? Lowball? Three Card Draw Lowball? Omaha? Omaha 8 or Better? Paduka Poker? Cincinatti? Home games (such as Hi and Lo Chicago, Burning Cross, 7-27 and others)?

Or does it include all of the above and more?

Wondering minds are curious Vince,

2nd Best

07-26-2002, 12:27 PM
Most of the responses below have been critical of your post. I see nothing wrong with the swagger you display.

The first step to being the best is believing that you are the best. That can be extremely counterproductive if you in fact suck and are just deluding yourself. But obviously, you play very well. While you may not be the best there is, in your case, it can only help to think that you are.

07-26-2002, 12:42 PM
While you may not be the best there is, in your case, it can only help to think that you are.

How can that only help and not hinder? Don't you think people with this frame of mind go on tilt more often than normal? After all being the best must give you some sense of entitlement which is very bad while playing poker.


07-26-2002, 12:53 PM
If you are trying to be funny, I don't get it. Otherwise you just created a swirling magma of negative karma for yourself. But hey, as Steve Parry said, "Don't stop believin' !"

07-26-2002, 01:08 PM
Did you know that I walk around my appt in my underwear claiming that "I am the best in the world!"? But I only play the Calgary 10-20. I think I am the best Calgary 10-20 player in the world.

07-26-2002, 01:15 PM
All I am saying is that confidence is a huge part of poker - just as it is in golf, doing your work at the office ....whatever. Confidence breeds success.

07-26-2002, 01:15 PM
This is why I feel that SOMEONE has to put you in the $300-$600 game. In fact I'll do it right now if you'll take an IOU.

07-26-2002, 01:49 PM
Quiet confidence is always a plus. Hubris kills. There's a huge difference. Plus you don't want to be the phallus that can play but that everybody hates and secretly wants to bludgeon with a night stick.

07-26-2002, 05:07 PM
phallus? Is that like a penus only bigger?


07-26-2002, 05:13 PM
"you just created a swirling magma of negative karma for yourself"

Do you have any idea of that which you are speaking? If what you say is true oh holy one then I am truly blessed for I have the ability to create. And this is the true sign of a chosen one.


07-26-2002, 05:22 PM
"To mee you sound like a guy who deep down knows he's not very good"

Tell me, why should someone listen to you? Are you good at psychological analysis? The best? to me you sound like someone that doesn't know very much about what they are talking about.


07-26-2002, 05:25 PM
"Wondering minds are curious"

And blessed for it! For they shall inherit the world.


07-26-2002, 06:12 PM
Phallus, that is.

07-26-2002, 06:14 PM
Great post Vince. A player who has won a mint playing poker once told me to never sit in a game where I wasn't the overwhelming favorite. I try and take that to heart.

07-26-2002, 06:15 PM
That is why it is often best to stick to solitare.


07-26-2002, 06:20 PM
I think all those bad beats have finally fried your brain. I know there's a point to this post just waiting for the follow up. If its that confindence is a very good thing when playing poker or anything else for that matter your right. I can't think of many successful poker players that don't feel there the best or one of the best at the table. In the world? The best ever? I think your looking to hit a nerve.

07-26-2002, 07:24 PM
I can already tell by your responses that Vince plays better than most of you guys. You might guess I'm saying this because I've played with Vince a couple times myself, or because I've read some of his hand analysis posts, or because I just want to be nice to Vince for a change. But that's not why I'm saying it. I would say the same thing based solely on Vince's post and the responses to it above, and I would feel comfortable doing so with a 95% confidence rate (that the first sentence in this post of mine is true). If one of you can figure out why then my confidence rate that that particular person plays worse than Vince drops considerably.

07-26-2002, 07:54 PM
I'm gonna take a stab becuase they replied back in a negative way. Like they felt threatened and or insulted by his comments. If they were good players they would not feel threatened or insulted because they have confidence in there own game.

07-26-2002, 08:49 PM
There was no point I was trying to make with this thread. I was bored, lazy, etc.. and I felt like posting something. I just didn't know what to post. This just happened to come out. It's not something I believe. I do not believe that I am the best poker player in the world. At least not conciously. Of course I do not believe there is such an animal. The best poker player in the world? Who cares, anyway.

I found the responses very interesting. The most pertinent responses were obviously those that dealt with self confidence. You do not have to think you are the best poker player in the game. You just have to feel you have an edge. Even heads up you can be a weaker poker player than your opponent and still have the edge. That's an interesting thought and I'm sure you all know that the reason has to do with stack size and limits. But that's more appropriate for a tournament discussion or a set amoutn freezeout game. The point is that you must feel you have the best of it or you should get up.

I believe I have the best of it in any 15 or 20 Holdem or Stud game I sit in. So I'm not game selective at these limits. So far I've proven myself right. But take this thread with a grain of salt. There was no point to it, no meaning, just something to put out there.


07-27-2002, 10:18 AM
That's an interesting perspective which may have some merit too.

What I was thinking was that it should have been be fairly obvious that Vince was playing around somewhat, or at least that he might have been. This by the manner of the body of the post which was so strong and overdone as to be almost a caricature, followed by the cute little "Wanna play?" So those who seemed to take it entirely at face value appeared to be missing something. Further, it strikes me that in poker terms, Vince was PLAYING THE GAME while his opponents were STARING AT THE CARDS. So I have little doubt that, at least in $15-$30 Hold'em, Vince would probably find it fairly easy to outplay most of these guys.

07-27-2002, 10:34 AM
granted I have an edge in reading Vince's posts since I know him a little bit. However I would think that to even a complete stranger, Vince's opening gambit should have set off warning bells since it presented an overdone caricature followed by such a quick and lolling (key word

"wanna") switch.

07-27-2002, 01:39 PM

Shouldn't it have been "Nobody plays better than I"? Hey, when you coming back to Massachusetts for a visit?


07-27-2002, 03:57 PM
While Vince probably (although I am not ready to concede it) plays better than I do, you are mistaken if you think that I did not know that his original post was made a little tongue in cheek. Nevertheless, I stand by my response which was made even if one were to assume that Vince was being completely serious: Confidence (when not totally misplaced and delusional) is a key part of poker. I believe that Vince does think that he is the best player at the table every time he sits in a game (he has said similar things several times in the past). That's a good attitude to have.

07-27-2002, 06:20 PM
Well I only said "most," not "all," of those who responded...on purpose;-)

07-29-2002, 09:36 PM
you need to rethink that post, funny man -- or get you a Webster's Collegiate.

07-29-2002, 09:41 PM
I meant Steve Perry. If that helps you.