View Full Version : 10/20 hand at The Mirage

07-22-2002, 06:04 PM
Got to the Mirage about 1:30pm on Saturday and a new 10/20 game was just beginning. I sat down and got on 20/40 list. Below hand was about an half an hour into the session:

All fold to the Button who raises, I am in SB with A8 spades and raise, the BB folds and buttton calls. Flop comes T62 two spades, I check and the button bets, I call. Turn is 3o, I bet and get raised I call. Turn is the Q of spades, I check button bets, I raise and get called. He shows the J7 of spades.

The reason I post this hand is that he tells me how lucky I was and all I can do is nod my head and keep from laughing. Does anyone think I played this hand poorly? Or could have made any more profit by playing differently?


PS: I asked around but found no 2+2 posters there. I got called to the 20/40 game shortly after up 12 BB at that time.

07-22-2002, 06:13 PM
I would have bet the flop and thus probably have made less money. I probably would have bet the river too. He might have a T and check the river behind with an overcard spade hitting. Hate to have someone check behind when I have the nuts. He might have raised too. I think you would make about the same either way though. Gotta love his comments.

07-22-2002, 06:23 PM
"Or could have made any more profit by playing differently?"

Sure. You could have check/raised the flop. Or... You could have bet the flop and re-raise if raised. You also could have 3 bet the turn. So I'd have to say- Yes. You definitely could've made more profit. The question is, which of these plays have the highest current or future profit value against this particular opponent?

07-22-2002, 06:23 PM
Once I 3-bet pre-flop I would have bet the flop.

I also would have bet the river, fearing the flush card would cause my opponent to check if he didn't have a flush.

But you did not play the hand poorly.

When someone tells me how lucky I got I always agree with them.

Nice hand.

07-22-2002, 07:15 PM
I post this hand is that he tells me how lucky I was

Well, was he right? Were you going to call his inevitable river bet with A8 if you didn't improve on the river?

07-22-2002, 08:40 PM
No Dynasty, it was a bet out, raise or fold option. Don't you agree?


07-22-2002, 10:43 PM
The question is, which of these plays have the highest current or future profit value against this particular opponent?

I suppose I would have been able to get more free river cards in a similar situation when necessary by the manner in which I chose to play, this means the future value was pretty good. Of all your suggestions I see additional profit mainly in the turn 3 bet. That would have allowed me to bet and perhaps 3 bet on the river again as HDPM suggested.

Thank you both for your comments,


07-22-2002, 10:52 PM
Jimbo - I think Dynasty's point is that the guy is saying he can outplay you and that if the flush doesn't come he beats you with an inferior hand. Dynasty's question to you is whether or not this is correct. In other words, does this guy win unless you hit your hand? Usually people who can outplay you are NOT going to show you their hand and are not going to make a comment like he did. Thus, my suspicion is this guy would like to think he's outsmarted you but I'll bet he actually overplays too many hands.


07-22-2002, 11:08 PM

Thanks for elaborating on Dynastys' post. His point was a bit too elusive for me. Your explanation makes very good sense as well as your analysis. Please comment on any future hands I may post, it will be appreciated.

I suppose it is in my nature not to "what if "a hand that in reality played out in a certain manner. It seems fruitless to change a result which would require a new perspective and a different play but more difficult to analyze a real life situation in "real time".


07-24-2002, 03:16 AM
What? Ace high heads up is a calling hand. If your opponent can bet it, he generally won't fold to your raise on the river. Plus, you open yourself to a reraise, although it would take the balls of an elephant to reraise bluff the river heads up.

07-24-2002, 03:55 AM
it would take the balls of an elephant to reraise bluff the river heads up.

Give it a try. I've done it once with an unimproved AK.