View Full Version : Bellagio 15-30: Pre-flop decision with 82s in EP

07-21-2002, 12:13 AM
Don't you just love 82s? It's such a monster. /images/smile.gif Today, I was in a situation where I actually needed to consider playing the hand- from early postion!

It's a ten handed game. However, there are three posters.

The cutoff is new to the game and is posting $15. The player to the right of the cutoff has just returned from a walk and is posting $25 (big blind and small blind). A third player has just joined the game and is posting $15 in between the button and small blind.

The hand:

UTG limps. UTG2 limps. I'm UTG3 with 8h2h. There is already $110 in the pot. I'd be getting 7.3:1 to call here with the assurance that the flop will be seen at least 8 handed (assuming small blind calls).

Do you play 82s here?

07-21-2002, 12:34 AM

Dynasty, you're a very aggressive player, your posts tell us that. You already know the answer: you can't call. You can, however, raise.

That much nearly-dead money in the pot is an open invitation to someone in middle or late position to raise. Even though you're suited, you're not a strong favorite unless all three blind money players fold, and even then, you're probably still a dog to a legitimate caller, let alone the person who actually gets in the raise. Also, one of the posters might realize this and reraise in an attempt to do the same thing with a slightly better hand.

Most of the times before the flop that I've seen this much postage, the rate usually goes up. (I like that pun LOL)

Having said that, if you're going to play it at all, be the raiser. It makes good deception, if nothing else.

07-21-2002, 01:47 AM
No. I think you're taking a good thing too far. I would limp here with many hands I wouldn't otherwise play in EP. This topic has been discussed on the forum, and I know that's why you're looking for the play. But wait for a monster like 56s or 33 or something. Think how cocky you'd feel with a J-8s.

07-21-2002, 10:29 AM

07-21-2002, 11:10 AM
Pretty tempting to play here, but I'd have to pass without at least a straight possibility to go with my flush draw in early position. I'd hate to get stuck out of position and have a flop that traps me for a few more bets.

07-21-2002, 05:32 PM
Fold. Good chance this pot gets raised by one of the posters. However, if you are in a gambling mood calling might be right. Certainly the pot is big enough to justify (to yourself) a call.


07-22-2002, 04:26 PM
Ok so we have a few posters so now we have a licensce to wank it out? Not a chance you can carry your own equity. Dynasty you post some pretty good stuff and then some really weird unsound stuff out of the blue. We should have Abdul or somebody figure out the EV of playing this hand.