View Full Version : Worst Dressers?

08-17-2004, 06:54 PM
Probably aren't going to get a lot of disagreement on this one and I'm not a World traveller so I don't have first hand knowledge but I would have to say that Americans have to be the worst dressers in the World.

Just got back from having dinner in a fairly decent restaurant and 90% of the people were dressed like total slobs. The basic outfit today is baggy sweat pants or baggy shorts with a mismatched stretched out T shirt. Of course everything is baggy because we're the fattest nation on earth.

I say this as a person who would probably dress just as sloppy if it weren't for the wife who won't leave the house unless she's dressed just so and keeps me just north of respectable. So the only time I get to wear sweats is around the house or when I'm going to the gym.

Just an observation from a rambling mind.

08-17-2004, 07:11 PM
are we worse dressers or simply less vain? I for one usually go for a nice casual look.... rarely dress up, unless its needed.