View Full Version : Intellectual Rubbish

08-13-2004, 01:23 PM
For weekend reading:

Essay on Rubbish (http://www.luminary.us/russell/intellectual_rubbish.html)

A teaser from the essay:

And we may enjoy the perplexity of the South American Jesuit who wondered how the sloth could have traveled, since the Flood, all the way from Mount Ararat to Peru-a journey which its extreme tardiness of locomotion rendered almost incredible. A wise man will enjoy the goods of which there is a plentiful supply, and of intellectual rubbish he will find an abundant diet, in our own age as in every other.

[/ QUOTE ]

This essay by B. Russell was written, I think, just before the end of WWII. The essay was published 1950 in a small book titled Unpopular Essays where it consumes a token 30 pages. Recent happenings in this best of all possible worlds caused me to reread this most eloquent essay, one of my favorites by Russell. I post it with the hope that others may also find it enjoyable and timely.
